Menopause Taylor’s Educational Videos
My video series provides a complete and comprehensive education that covers every aspect of menopause, how it affects every area of your life, and every available option for managing it.
Because menopause can be tough to swallow, I believe a spoonful of humor makes the medicine go down. Learning from me is fun, and I promise not to bore or overwhelm you with science or jargon. In these videos, I present medical information using everyday language and familiar props that illustrate human biology and anatomy. You can watch them on any online device in your own time — just make sure you watch them in order, so you don’t miss anything that may be essential later on.
You can watch the videos while reading my book and using the slide chart to ensure you get the most from my menopause education.
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What’s Worse: Breast Cancer or Heart Attack?
Have you ever stopped to compare the significance of different diseases on your menopause? What about breast cancer versus heart attack? Which is worse? Which is more likely to affect you? Watch this video to learn the facts on how...
Which Cancer is CAUSED By Estrogen: Uterine or Breast?
I’m sure you’ve heard people say that estrogen causes cancer. Does it? And, if it does, which cancers does it cause? Does it cause uterine cancer? Breast cancer? Both? Neither? There are so many misconceptions about whether estrogen causes this...
Which is Easier to Preserve at Menopause: Your Brain or Your Bones?
Have you ever thought about menopause in terms of "preservation"? Along with the loss of estrogen, there’s the loss of other things, namely, your brain and your bones. So why not talk about how to preserve your brain and your...
Which Has the Biggest Impact on Your Menopause Diet or Exercise
Have you ever wondered which matters more for your menopause: diet or exercise? Do you sometimes favor one more than the other? Do you use it to make up for the shortcomings of the other? How do you measure the...
“News” Versus “Olds” in Managing Menopause
Have you ever really given much thought to the meaning of the word “news”? News means new information. It’s a lot like education. But, do you really want to hear new things, or do you just want to hear confirmation...
Use of Genetically Modified Soy at Menopause
I’m sure you’ve heard the acronym "GMO." Do you know what it means? Do you know the science and reasoning behind it? Is soy the only food that’s affected by genetic modification? And what if you want to avoid foods...
What are Xenoestrogens???
Are you familiar with the term Xenoestrogens? What comes to mind when you hear that word? Do you avoid xenoestrogens? Do you even know how to avoid xenoestrogens? Are they lurking where you least expect them? Or do you even...
Processed Foods BUT “Natural” Products
Do you have your priorities straight when it comes to making healthy food choices? What about products for cleaning, grooming, and storing things? Which is more important to you: what you put in your mouth or what you expose yourself...
Animal Protein vs Plant Protein for Menopause
When you think about protein, what comes to mind? An animal? An animal product? A dairy product? Why is that? Do you assume that plants don’t have protein? If so, why? And if you have to consider the quality of...
Benefits of a Plant-based Diet for Menopause
Can you think of any reason to eliminate all the animal products from your diet? If so, how many reasons can you come up with? Do they add up to enough reason to actually convert to a 100% plant-based diet?...
Foods With Magical Health Benefits
What if you had to list the most "magical" foods for your menopause? Would you know what they are? Knowledge like this can be very powerful in meeting your menopause goals. Join me in this video to learn about the...
The Dirt on Dairy
What if I told you that everything you thought you knew about dairy products is all wrong? What if the dairy industry had misled you your entire life? And what if the consequences of never learning the truth had devastating...
Savory Spices That Can Save Your Life
How well do you know your spices? And, even if you know a lot about how they taste, do you know which ones can save your life? If you'd like to spice up your life and save your life at...
Gluttons for the Gluten-Free Glut
“Gluten-free.” It’s something you hear a lot these days. But, what is it all about? Is it a diet? Is it an intolerance? Is it a medical problem? How does someone know if they need to be gluten-free? I’ll school...
Nutrition Myths
You hear all sorts of things about nutrition: “Everything in moderation,” "It’s okay to cheat once in a while,” “Eat foods that are low-fat, high-fiber,” “Buy organic,” “Get your calcium from dairy.” These are but a few of the things...
What The Big Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know About Food
Have you ever thought about your health in terms of big industry? Probably not. We tend to think of our health as an individual matter. But, the fact is, you are part of the economy. And, as a part of...
Misleading Food Labelling
Have you ever really paid attention to the writing you see on food packages. Do you use it to choose your food? How likely are you to buy something because it’s “fat-free,” or “natural”? Do you know how accurate food...
How to Read Nutrition Labels
You know that white rectangular box on food packages? It’s supposed to tell you the truth about the food. But, do you know how to read it? Do you know how to interpret what it’s telling you? After all, that’s...
Why Can’t I Have My Junk Food and Vitamins, Too
Have you ever heard the expression, “You can’t have your cake and eat it, too”? Do you think it’s true? Have you ever applied it to junk food and vitamins? I mean, do you think it’s possible to have your...
Vitamins for Menopause
Do you know which vitamins are beneficial for menopause? And do you know the symptoms or diseases for which vitamin can be beneficial? No? Well, you need to know! And in this video tutorial, I’ll teach you. So, watch it!