Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus

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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!



  • Outline Notes
  • Worksheet



Dieting to Prevent Endometrial Uterine Cancer

Everybody’s dieting these days! But do you know the best kind of dieting to prevent endometrial uterine cancer? Knowing the best kind of dieting requires knowing the specific goal of the diet. And, in this video, you’ll learn about dieting...

Arteries,Calories,Carbohydrates,Cholesterol,Diet,Endometrium,Estrōne,Exercise,Fats,Fiber,Gynecologic Cancers,Heart Attack,History,Lifestyle,Obesity,Plaque Calcium,Risk Factors,Saturated Fats,Sugar,Uterus,Vegan,Weight Gain,


The Connection Between Diabetes & Alzheimer’s

Have you ever thought of Diabetes and Alzheimer’s as being connected? It might surprise you to discover that Alzheimer’s has actually been called Diabetes Type 3! And for very good reason. This video will explain why.

BMI,Calories,Carb Restriction,Carbohydrates,Diet,Fats,Food Industry,Guidelines,Heart Attack,History,Insulin,Misinformation,Processed Foods,Proteins,Refined Foods,Sugar,


Fresh, versus Processed, versus Fortified & Enriched Foods for Preventing Alzheimer’s

Have you ever considered your own brain’s opinions about food? What do you think your brain likes better: fresh versus processed versus fortified and enriched foods? And if your brain does prefer one of these over the others, what might...

Additives,Calories,Cumulative Effect,Diet,Dietary Supplements,Enriched,FDA,Food Industry,Fortified,Grains,History,Microbiome,Minerals,Nutrition Labels,Processed Foods,Statistics,Vitamins,


Effects of Rhythm, Routines, & Ruts in Preventing Alzheimer’s

Do you have any idea just how much rhythms, routines, and ruts affect your ability to cause or prevent Alzheimer’s? I call these “The Three Rs.” And they all have major roles in determining your brain’s destiny. In this video,...

Additives,Anatomy,Brain,Brain Density,Calories,Circadian Rhythm,Digestion,Exercise,Food Industry,Habits,Hormones,Insulin,Learning,Nutrients,Obesity,Processed Food,Routines,Sleep,Social Interaction,Stress,Stress Hormones,


14 Factors Determining Your Dietary Options for Preventing Alzheimer’s

What determines whether a dietary option is good for preventing Alzheimer’s or not? It’s not just one thing, that's for sure! In this video, I’ll address 14 different factors that you have to consider in designating the best foods and...

Antioxidants,Brain,Calorie Restriction,Calories,Carbohydrates,Circadian Rhythm,Cravings,Diet,Digestion,Fats,Fortified,Intermittent Fasting,Longevity,Metabolism,Microbiome,Minerals,Obesity,Protein,Psychology,Stress,Vitamins,


Calorie Restriction versus Intermittent Fasting for Preventing Alzheimer’s

You hear all sorts of marketing claims about the benefits of calorie restriction and intermittent fasting. But are the benefits specific to your brain? And do both calorie restriction and intermittent fasting benefit your brain? If so, do they benefit...

Brain,Calorie Restriction,Calories,Circadian Rhythm,Diabetes,Diet,Intermittent Fasing,Longevity,Metabolism,Misinformation,Research Studies,


How to Read Nutrition Labels

You know that white rectangular box on food packages? It’s supposed to tell you the truth about the food. But, do you know how to read it? Do you know how to interpret what it’s telling you? After all, that’s...

Calories,Carbohydrates,Cholesterol,Dairy,Diet,Fats,FDA,Fiber,HDL,Heart Attack,LDL,Minerals,Nutrition,Nutrition Labels,Percent Daily Value,Protein,Saturated Fats,Serving Size,Sodium,Sugar,Trans Fats,Unsaturated Fats,Vegan,Vitamins,


Misleading Food Labelling

Have you ever really paid attention to the writing you see on food packages. Do you use it to choose your food? How likely are you to buy something because it’s “fat-free,” or “natural”? Do you know how accurate food...

Antioxidants,Calories,Cholesterol,Dairy,Diet,Fats,FDA,Fiber,Genetically Modified,Gluten,Grains,Minerals,Nutrition,Nutrition Labels,Processed Foods,Protein,Sugar,Trans Fats,Vitamins,


Animal Protein vs Plant Protein for Menopause

When you think about protein, what comes to mind? An animal? An animal product? A dairy product? Why is that? Do you assume that plants don’t have protein? If so, why? And if you have to consider the quality of...

Calories,Cholesterol,Dairy,Diabetes,Diet,Heart Attack,Nurtition,Protein,Statistics,Vegan,


Which Has the Biggest Impact on Your Menopause Diet or Exercise

Have you ever wondered which matters more for your menopause: diet or exercise? Do you sometimes favor one more than the other? Do you use it to make up for the shortcomings of the other? How do you measure the...

Aerobic Exercise,Balance Exercises,Calories,Carbohydrates,Diet,Exercise,Fats,Habits,Metabolism,Minerals,Misinformation,Nutrition,Physical Flexibility,Protein,Resistance Exercise,Vegan,Vitamins,Weight Loss,