Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus
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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!
- Outline Notes
- Worksheet
Exercise Options for Preventing the 3 Big Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
If you consider exercise as a whole for purposes of preventing the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency, are you able to cite which kinds of exercise suffice for preventing which diseases? Wouldn’t it be awful to assume you’re doing...
Aerobic Exercise,Arteries,Attention,Balance Exercise,Bone Loss,Brain Shrinkage,Concentration,Core Stability,Education,Falls,Heart Rate,Learning,Muscle Mass,Osteopenia,Physical Flexibility,Pilates,Resistance Exercise,Sedentary,Tailoring,Weight-Bearing Exercise,Yoga,300.
Non-Hormonal Management Options for the Big Three
So what about all the non-hormonal categories of options for managing the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency? How do they compare with estrogen replacement in terms of compensation for estrogen deficiency? Do you know where each belongs on the...
Aerobic Exercise,Alcohol,Anxiety,Aspirin,Balance Exercises,Blood Pressure,Bone Loss,Core Stability,Depression,Diet,Dietary Supplements,Dry Skin,ERT,Estrogen,Exercise,Fatigue,Forgetfulness,Fracture,Goals,Hair Loss,Herbals,Hot Flashes,HRT,Insomnia,Irritability,Joint Pain,Joint Stiffness,Learning,Lifestyle,Minerals,Misinformation,Mood Swings,Night Sweats,Non-hormonal,Palpitations,Physical Flexibility,Resistance Exercise,Risk,Sex Drive,Sleep,Smoking,Statins,Unwanted Hair,Urinary Incontinence,UTI,Vaginal Dryness,Vitamins,Weight Gain,259.
General Principles of Exercise for Preventing Alzheimer’s
Exercise! It’s such a common word. And it’s common for people to talk about “exercise” for preventing diseases. But what most people fail to specify is the kind of exercise that suffices to prevent specific diseases. In this video tutorial,...
Aerobic Exercise,Anatomy,Attention,Balance Exercises,Brain Density,Core Stability,Exercise,Goals,Heart Rate,High-Impact Exercise,Neurons,Osteoporosis,Oxygen,Physical Flexibility,Resistance Exercise,Tailoring,Weight-Bearing Exercise,Yoga,228.
All Options for Osteoporosis Management DO NOT Provide the Same Benefits
Using the right kind of management option for osteoporosis is like staying in your lane. Each option can accomplish certain goals. And, as long as your situation is one that is well served by those goals, you’ll be fine. But...
Anorexia,Arthritis,Balance Exercise,Bone density,Bone Loss,Bone Quality,Bone Quantity,Calcium,Core Stability,DEXA,Diagnosis,Diet,Education,ERT,Estrogen,Flexibility,Fracture,Fractures,Fragility Fractures,Guidelines,Healthcare professionals,Hips,HRT,Hypothyroidism,Insurance,Lifestyle,Minerals,Misinformation,Non-hormonal,Osteopenia,Peri-Menopause,Periods,Physical Flexibility,Post-Menopause,Progesterone,Resistance Exercise,Risk Assessment,SERMs,Spine,T-Score,Tailoring,Vitamin D,Vitamin Deficiency,Vitamins,Weight-Bearing Exercise,Wrist,Z-Score,215.
Balancing Exercises with Bands for Menopause
What if you want to do resistance exercise, but don’t like the idea of using heavy weights to do it? Well, here’s another option: You can use elastic bands. And not only that; you can add balance to your resistance....
Exercise,Osteopenia,Resistance Exercise,212.
Exercise for Preventing Osteoporosis, Falls, and Fractures
One of the most important management options for preventing osteoporosis and falls is exercise. But, only certain kinds of exercise suffice. In this video, I’ll explain all the necessary qualifications and show you some examples of the most important things...
Balance Exercises,Bone Loss,Chronic,Core Stability,Estrogen,Exercise,Falls,Fractures,Osteopenia,Physical Flexibility,Resistance Exercise,Sedentary,SERMs,T-Score,Weight-Bearing Exercise,214.
Balancing Exercises With Weights for Menopause
Do you hate lifting weights? Isn’t it boring? And do you rush through it just to get it over with? Well, goodbye boredom and rushing. Join me to learn a new, fun, slow way to lift your weights and work...
Exercise,Osteopenia,Resistance Exercise,151.
Osteoarthritis Versus Osteoporosis
Do you know the differences between osteoarthritis and osteoporosis? Are you sure? How about the differences in their symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and management? You see, while you may know some of the differences between them, that may not suffice in...
Aloe Vera,Anorexia,Anti-inflammatories,Bone Quality,Bone Quantity,Bulimia,Caffeine,Calcium,Cartilage,Cayenne,Chondroitin Sulfate,DEXA,Diabetes,Diagnosis,Diet,ERT,Estrogen,Feverfew,Flaxseed,Folate,Fracture,Glucosamine,Heat,Herbals,Hips,HRT,Inflammation,Joint Pain,Joint Stiffness,Joint Swelling,Magnesium,Minerals,MSM,NSAIDS,Omega 3,Physical Flexibility,Phytoestrogens,Pilates,Polyphenols,Post-Menopause,Protein,Resistance Exercise,SAMe,SERMs,Smoking,Soy,Spine,Spirulina,Statistics,Steroids,Sweet Potatoes,Thyroid Disease,Turmeric,Vitamin D,Vitamins,Weight Gain,Wheat Grass,Yoga,104.
Which Has the Biggest Impact on Your Menopause Diet or Exercise
Have you ever wondered which matters more for your menopause: diet or exercise? Do you sometimes favor one more than the other? Do you use it to make up for the shortcomings of the other? How do you measure the...
Aerobic Exercise,Balance Exercises,Calories,Carbohydrates,Diet,Exercise,Fats,Habits,Metabolism,Minerals,Misinformation,Nutrition,Physical Flexibility,Protein,Resistance Exercise,Vegan,Vitamins,Weight Loss,