Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus

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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!



  • Outline Notes
  • Worksheet



Breast Cancer Treatment Through the Ages and the Stages

Have you ever wondered how we ended up with the current treatments for breast cancer? It’s quite an interesting story. In this video, I’ll tell you about the history of breast cancer treatment through the ages. And then I’ll tell...

Abnormal Cells,Breasts,Cancer Stage,Chemotherapy,Excision,Guidelines,History,Immunotherapy,Lumpectomy,Lymph Nodes,Margins,Mastectomy,Pre-cancer,Primary Breast Cancer,Radical Mastectomy,Radiotherapy,Recurrent Breast Cancer,Research Studies,Surgery,Survival Rate,Tumour,
Download Chart Treatment


History of Research Studies on HRT & Breast Cancer

Based on what the media presents, you might think that the history of research on HRT and breast cancer is limited and recent. But such is not the case. There is quite a long history of research on HRT and...

BRCA,Breast Biopsy,Continuous Regimen,Cyclic Regimen,Endometrial Uterine Cancer,Family History,Genetic Mutation,History,HRT,Metastatic,Mortality,Oophorectomy,Post-Menopause,Premarin,Progestogen,Research Studies,Survival Rate,WHI Study,


The Anatomical Evolution of Your Breasts Through the Ages

In this unit on Breast Cancer, it will be critical for you to understand the normal evolutionary anatomical changes of your breasts as you age. In this video tutorial, I will describe chronologically how your breasts evolve from puberty to...

Anatomy,Breastfeeding,Breasts,Estrogen,History,Mammary Glands,Periods,Pregnancy,Progesterone,Puberty,
Download Chart Life Cycle of Your Breasts


Prevention of Cervical Cancer With the HPV Vaccine

There are pro-vaxxers, and there are anti-vaxxers. And that is pertinent to the fact that Cervical Cancer is one of the very few cancers for which we actually have a vaccine to prevent infection with the virus that causes it...

Dysplasia,Genital Warts,Gynecologic Cancers,History,HPV Vaccine,Infections,Pre-menopause,Sexual History,Vaccines,Virus,


Cause of Cervical Cancer

Do you know the actual cause of cervical cancer? In previous videos, I’ve taught you about all the risk factors for it. But cause and risk factors are not one and the same. And, while it may see like I...

Abnormal Cells,Anatomy,Cervix,DES Exposure,Genital Warts,Gynecologic Cancers,History,HPV,Immune System,Pap Smear,Pregnancy,Risk Factors,Screening,Sexual History,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,Smoking,Statistics,Virus,


Screening for Cervical Cancer

You are probably somewhat familiar with the common “pap smear” screening test for cervical cancer. In fact, you’ve probably had your fair share of them during your annual gynecologic exams. But, do you know anything about the history of the...

Abnormal Cells,Anatomy,Cervix,Guidelines,Gynecologic Cancers,History,Pap Smear,Pre-cancer,Screening,


Principles Of Preventing Endometrial Uterine Cancer

Did you know that there are principles for preventing endometrial uterine cancer? Not only that; they are based heavily on the cause and risk factors for the disease. So, what do you think those principles entail? In this video tutorial,...

Aging,Diet,Endometrium,ERT,Estrogen,Gynecologic Cancers,Herbals,History,HRT,Misinformation,Obesity,Periods,Progesterone,Risk,Risk Factors,Unopposed Estrogen,Uterus,


Dieting to Prevent Endometrial Uterine Cancer

Everybody’s dieting these days! But do you know the best kind of dieting to prevent endometrial uterine cancer? Knowing the best kind of dieting requires knowing the specific goal of the diet. And, in this video, you’ll learn about dieting...

Arteries,Calories,Carbohydrates,Cholesterol,Diet,Endometrium,Estrōne,Exercise,Fats,Fiber,Gynecologic Cancers,Heart Attack,History,Lifestyle,Obesity,Plaque Calcium,Risk Factors,Saturated Fats,Sugar,Uterus,Vegan,Weight Gain,