Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus

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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!



  • Outline Notes
  • Worksheet



What Makes Breast Cancer “Cancer”?

How would you answer the question, “What makes breast cancer ‘cancer’?” Would you have a logical set of requirements that it met in order to deserve the designation “cancer”? Or would you realize that you’ve never even thought about it...

Abnormal Cells,Anatomy,Atypia,Benign,Cancer Stage,Carcinoma in Situ,Cervix,Chemotherapy,DCIS,Ductal,Dysplasia,Excision,Hyperplasia,In-situ,LCIS,Lobular,Local Invasion,Malignant,Potential Cancer,Pre-cancer,Radiotherapy,Surgery,Tumor,
Download Chart Intro to Breast Cancer & Statistics


Prognosis of Cervical Cancer and Pre-Cancer

What if you had to predict the 5-year survival rates for each stage of cervical cancer? Would you have any idea about that at all? How would the survival rates for cervical cancer compare to those for endometrial uterine or...

Anatomy,Breast Cancer,Cancer Stage,Cervical Conization,Cervical Laser,Cervix,Cryotherapy,Dysplasia,Endometrial Uterine Cancer,Excision,Gynecologic Cancer,LEEP,Pre-cancer,Prognosis,Radical Hysterectomy,Statistics,Survival Rate,


Menopause Management After Cervical Cancer

So what if you’ve had cervical cancer, treated it, and cured it? What now? How does the fact that you had cervical cancer affect your menopause management? Are there certain options that are no longer available to you? Or does...

Abnormal Cells,Anatomy,Breast Cancer,Cervical Conization,Cervical Laser,Cervix,Cryotherapy,Dysplasia,Endometrial Uterine Cancer,Endometrium,ERT,Estrogen,Fallopian Tubes,Gynecologic Cancers,Hormones,HPV,HRT,Infections,Lymph Nodes,Ovaries,Pre-cancer,Progestogen,Radical Hysterectomy,Squamous Cells,Transformation Zone,Uterus,Virus,


Grading & Staging of Cervical Cancer

So, what happens if you get a diagnosis of cervical cancer? Then what? Well, that’s where grading and staging come in. These are ranking systems that designate the degree of abnormality of the cells and the extent of spread of...

Abnormal Cells,Cancer Grade,Cancer Stage,Cervical Biopsy,Cervix,Dysplasia,FIGO Staging,Gynecologic Cancers,Local Invasion,Metastasis,Neoplasia,Patholgoy,Pelvis,Pre-cancer,


Cause of Cervical Cancer

Do you know the actual cause of cervical cancer? In previous videos, I’ve taught you about all the risk factors for it. But cause and risk factors are not one and the same. And, while it may see like I...

Abnormal Cells,Anatomy,Cervix,DES Exposure,Genital Warts,Gynecologic Cancers,History,HPV,Immune System,Pap Smear,Pregnancy,Risk Factors,Screening,Sexual History,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,Smoking,Statistics,Virus,


Screening With Pap Smears versus Screening With HPV Tests

We used to all get an annual pap smear to screen for cervical cancer and never stop doing so. Now you hear about guidelines that recommend a pap only every 3 years, or discontinuing pap screening at some point. You...

Abnormal Cells,Cervical Trauma,Cervix,Diagnosis,Dysplasia,Early Diagnosis,Education,False Positive,Guidelines,Gynecologic Cancers,HPV Test,Infections,Inflammation,Insurance,Medical Industry,Misinformation,Neoplasia,Pap Smear,Pre-cancer,Research Studies,Risk,Screening,Squamous Cells,Statistics,Tailoring,Virus,


Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer and Pre-Cancer

I’ve taught you about how to do screening tests for cervical cancer and pre-cancer, but no screening test gives you an actual verified diagnosis. So, do you know how your doctor makes the actual diagnosis of cervical cancer or pre-cancer?...

Anatomy,Cervical Biopsy,Cervix,Colposcopy,Diagnosis,Dysplasia,Endometrium,Gynecologic Cancers,HPV,Neoplasia,Pap Smear,Pathology,Pelvis,Pre-cancer,Screening,Squamous Cells,Symptoms,


Anatomy of the Cervix & Cervical Cancer

What if you had to describe and explain the anatomy of your cervix? Could you do it? Would you be able to think of an analogy for the appearance of your cervix? And what about how it functions? More importantly,...

Adenocarcinoma,Anatomy,Cervical Trauma,Cervix,Estrogen,Fallopian Tube,Gynecologic Cancers,Ovaries,Pelvis,Periods,Progesterone,Sperm,Squamous Cells,Transformation Zone,Uterus,Vagina,Vulva,


Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Time to talk about the symptoms of cervical cancer! Go ahead, tell me what they are. And tell me which constitute early symptoms versus those that constitute late symptoms. … What? You aren’t sure? Well, that’s precisely the kind of...

Abnormal Bleeding,Anatomy,Bleeding,Breakthrough Bleeding,Cervical Trauma,Cervix,Dysplasia,Endometrium,Gynecologic Cancers,Hyperplasia,Irregular Periods,Metastasis,Neoplasia,Painful Urination,Pathology,Pre-menopause,Screening,Squamous Cells,Transformation Zone,Vagina,Vaginal Discharge,Weight Loss,


Screening for Cervical Cancer

You are probably somewhat familiar with the common “pap smear” screening test for cervical cancer. In fact, you’ve probably had your fair share of them during your annual gynecologic exams. But, do you know anything about the history of the...

Abnormal Cells,Anatomy,Cervix,Guidelines,Gynecologic Cancers,History,Pap Smear,Pre-cancer,Screening,