Menopause Taylor’s Educational Videos
My video series provides a complete and comprehensive education that covers every aspect of menopause, how it affects every area of your life, and every available option for managing it.
Because menopause can be tough to swallow, I believe a spoonful of humor makes the medicine go down. Learning from me is fun, and I promise not to bore or overwhelm you with science or jargon. In these videos, I present medical information using everyday language and familiar props that illustrate human biology and anatomy. You can watch them on any online device in your own time — just make sure you watch them in order, so you don’t miss anything that may be essential later on.
You can watch the videos while reading my book and using the slide chart to ensure you get the most from my menopause education.
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Common & Uncommon Features of Diseases Due To Estrogen Deficiency
If you were to consider the three big diseases due to estrogen deficiency as a whole, which features would you find in common among them? And which would be uncommon? Would you think of the three together differently than you...
Comparison of Heart Attack & Osteoporosis
How do heart attacks compare with Alzheimer’s? Would you say they have more similarities, or more differences? Obviously, your heart and your brain are the two most important organs in your body. Which one concerns you most? And which do...
Comparison of Heart Attack & Alzheimer’s
How many similarities can you cite between osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s? Do they seem to be just too different to think of any? Well, if you watch this video, you will most certainly view things quite differently afterward.
Comparison of Osteoporosis & Alzheimer’s
How many similarities can you cite between osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s? Do they seem to be just too different to think of any? Well, if you watch this video, you will most certainly view things quite differently afterward.
The Three Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency Versus Breast Cancer
Imagine making a chart with morbidity and mortality statistics for Heart Attack, Osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, and Breast Cancer. Which disease would fare the best, and which would fare the worst? If you used that chart as your balancing act for which...
The Three Big Diseases Caused By Estrogen Deficiency at Post-menopause
So what is it about estrogen that puts it at the root of the three big diseases associated with post-menopause? I mean, it’s merely a reproductive hormone, right? WRONG! Estrogen is sooo much more than that. This video will make...
The Estrogen Window is Really About Aging
Have you ever stopped to consider what constitutes the true essence of the estrogen window of opportunity? Why is it all about the start of estrogen replacement? And why does it designate the first 5 – 10 years? How does...
Estrogen Dosage for Preventing the 3 Big Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
So what if you decide to use estrogen replacement to prevent the three big diseases due to estrogen deficiency? How much should you take? How is that dosage determined? And should you ever take more than that? This video will...
Why COMPOUNDED BHRT Doesn’t Cut It For Preventing The Three Big Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
There are some very specific requirements for HRT to be able to prevent the diseases due to estrogen deficiency. And there are some very specific reasons that COMPOUNDED BHRT doesn’t qualify. Don’t make the mistake of missing this video and...
Hormone Levels for Determining HRT Dosage
One of the most common questions women ask is, “How do I use my hormone levels to determine the right HRT dosage?” In fact, there is more focus on hormone levels than on anything else. But, do hormone levels tell...
How to Monitor for Prevention of Diseases Due to Estrogen Deficiency
What if you want to determine if you’re a good candidate for starting estrogen replacement? Or what if you want to monitor the progression of the diseases that are due to estrogen deficiency. What if you merely want peace of...
Time Frames for Development of Diseases Due To Estrogen Deficiency
How long do you suppose it takes for the three diseases of estrogen deficiency to start developing? Do you think it’s immediately upon losing your estrogen, or gradual? Do you think it’s rapid or slow? Knowing the time frames for...
Limitations of Estrogen Replacement for Preventing Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
As I’ve said over and over, everything, absolutely everything has limitations. And that goes for estrogen replacement, too. Knowing the limitations of each and every option for menopause management helps you frame your expectations and choose options that can actually...
Progesterone & the 3 Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
I’ve talked so much about estrogen replacement and its ability to prevent the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency. But, what about progesterone? Does it play any role at all? Be sure to watch this video, which will tell you...
Risks of Taking HRT versus Risks of Not Taking HRT
Everybody talks so much about the risks of taking HRT. And there are risks of taking HRT. But, have you considered the risks of taking HRT against the risks of NOT taking HRT? That’s what I’ll do in this video....
Which do You Fear More: Breast Cancer or Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency?
I can teach you facts until I’m “blue in the face” as they say. But the fact is that most people respond to fear more than they respond to facts. Thus, the question for this video: “Is your fear of...
“Who,” “Why,” “When,” & “Whether” of Estrogen Replacement for Menopause
Who should take estrogen replacement? And why should she take it? When should she start and stop it? And what determines whether she’s a good candidate? This video will assess the “who,” “why,” “when,” and “whether” of estrogen replacement for...
Paradoxes of Diseases Due To Estrogen Deficiency
As you’ve learned more and more about the three diseases due to estrogen deficiency, have you realized that there are multiple paradoxes that prevail in terms of estrogen replacement? This video will present a pile of pitiful paradoxical problems that...
Silence is Stupid!
People say all sorts of things about silence. “Silence is golden” is a common quote. But in the context of menopause, silence is just plain stupid! It’s stupid to be silent about menopause as a result of denial. It’s stupid...
Non-Hormonal Management Options for the Big Three
So what about all the non-hormonal categories of options for managing the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency? How do they compare with estrogen replacement in terms of compensation for estrogen deficiency? Do you know where each belongs on the...