Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus
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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!
- Outline Notes
- Worksheet
Medication Options for Preventing Breast Cancer
Anastrozole,Androgen,Aromatase Inhibitors,Back Pain,Blood Clots,Cataracts,Chemotherapy,Dosage,Enzymes,Estrogen,Exemestane,Fractures,Genetic Mutation,Genetic Testing,Hot Flashes,Joint Pain,Letrozole,Lifetime Risk,Medications,Metastasis,Muscle Cramps,Nausea,Off-label,Ovarian Cancer,Post-Menopause,Pre-menopause,Raloxifene,Receptor Sites,Risk,Risk Assessment,Risk Factors,SERMs,Stroke,Tailoring,Tamoxifen,Thrombosis,Uterus,332.
Dietary Options for Preventing Endometrial Uterine Cancer
What if you prefer to prevent endometrial uterine cancer with your diet? Would you know which foods contain estrogen and which foods contain progesterone? After all, the very key to preventing endometrial uterine cancer is balancing estrogen with progesterone, regardless...
Ablation,Bean Sprouts,Chickpeas,Compounding,Coumestans,Cranberries,Cruciferous Vegetables,Diet,Endometrium,Estrogen,Estrōne,Flaxseeds,Gynecologic Cancers,Hysterectomy,Isoflavones,Lifestyle,Lignans,Misinformation,Miso,Pharmaceutical,Phytoestrogens,Progesteron,Receptor Sites,Soy,Sunflower Seeds,Teas,Uterus,293.
Limitations of Estrogen Replacement for Preventing Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
As I’ve said over and over, everything, absolutely everything has limitations. And that goes for estrogen replacement, too. Knowing the limitations of each and every option for menopause management helps you frame your expectations and choose options that can actually...
Aging,Alcohol,Arteries,Aspirin,Atherosclerosis,Balance Exercises,Biphosphonates,Blood Pressure,Bone Densitey,Bone Loss,Bone Quality,Bone Quantity,Brain,Brain Shrinkage,Diet,Dietary Supplements,Dosage,ERT,Exercise,Goals,Heart,Herbal,HRT,Lipids,Minerals,Misinformation,Non-hormonal,Physical Flexibility,Plaque Calcium,Processed Foods,Receptor Sites,Risk,Risk Factors,Sedentary,SERMs,Smoking,Statins,Tailoring,Vitamins,Window of Opportunity,287.
The Estrogen Window is Really About Aging
Have you ever stopped to consider what constitutes the true essence of the estrogen window of opportunity? Why is it all about the start of estrogen replacement? And why does it designate the first 5 – 10 years? How does...
Aging,Arteries,Atherosclerosis,Bone density,Bone Loss,Brain Shrinkage,ERT,Heart Attack,HRT,Misinformation,Morbidity,Mortality,Peri-Menopause,Periods,Plaque Calcium,Receptor Sites,Risk,Tailoring,Window of Opportunity,284.
Comparison of Osteoporosis & Alzheimer’s
How many similarities can you cite between osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s? Do they seem to be just too different to think of any? Well, if you watch this video, you will most certainly view things quite differently afterward.
Alcohol Abuse,Anatomy Risk Factors,Balance,Biphosphonates,Bone density,Bone Quantity,Brain,Brain Fog,Brain Shrinkage,DEXA,Diabetes,Diagnosis,Diet,Early Diagnosis,ERT,Estrogen,Exercise,Family History,Fracture,Guidelines,Hips,HRT,Insurance,Memory,Premature Menopause,Receptor Sites,Sedentary,Silent Disease,Smoking,Spine,Statistics,Weight-Bearing Exercise,Wrist,251.
The Effect of Different Types of Menopause on Your Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease
Let’s see, there’s premature menopause, non-premature menopause, gradual menopause, and sudden menopause. Do you think the type of menopause you have has any effect on your risk for Alzheimer’s Disease? Watch this video to find out.
Aging,Gradual Menopause,Hormone Levels,Premature Menopause,Receptor Sites,Risk,Risk Factors,Statistics,Sudden Menopause,250.
The Effect of Menopause on Your Brain
Do you know what the effect of menopause is on your brain? It’s all based on basic science. Knowing the science can help you manage your menopause in a way that prevents Alzheimer’s. In this video, I'll teach you all...
Anatomy,Anxiety,Brain,Brain Fog,Brain Shrinkage,Cognition,Continuous Regimen,Cyclic Regimen,Depression,HRT,Insomnia,Irritability,Mood Swings,Pregnancy,Receptor Sites,Sleep,Uterus,