Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus

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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!



  • Outline Notes
  • Worksheet



Grading & Staging of Breast Cancer

How much do you know about the grading and staging of breast cancer? Do you know anything that makes it unique compared to other staging and grading systems for other cancers? Well, this is something about which you need to...

Birth Control,Breast Pain,Breast Tenderness,Cancer Grade,Cancer Stage,Estrogen,HRT,Misinformation,Periods,PMS,Pregnancy,Progestogen,Subclinical Cancer,Symptoms,


Does Progestogen Cause Breast Cancer?

Alright, if, based on last week’s video, estrogen does not cause breast cancer, could it be that progestogen causes breast cancer? What do the studies on women taking progestogens alone tell us about the role of progestogens in causing breast...

Abnormal Cells,Biodentical,Birth Control,Compounding,Continuous Regimen,Cyclic Regimen,Heavy Bleeding,Hormones,Misinformation,Peri-Menopause,Periods,Pharmaceuticals,PMS,Post-Menopause,Progesterone,Progestin,Progestogen,Synthetic,Traditional,
Download Chart Progestogen


Breast Hormones and Their Roles

Do you know which hormones constitute your “breast hormones”? Breast hormones are the hormones that act on your breasts in some way to enable them to perform their functions. So, what are they? Eenie, meenie, mighty mo? No, they aren’t...

Breast Tenderness,Breastfeeding,Endometrium,Lactation,Ovulation,Oxytocin,Periods,PMS,Pregnancy,Prolactin,Puberty,Uterus,


Dense and Fibrocystic Breasts

You’ve probably heard the terms “dense breasts” and “fibrocystic breasts.” But do you know what each means? And can you explain them in an anatomical way? Are they the same thing? Or do they differ somehow? Well, these are the...

Adipose Tissue,Breast Tenderness,Continuous Regimen,Cyclic Regimen,Cyst,Dense breasts,Estrogen,Fibrocystic Tissue,Mammary Glands,Misinformation,Ovarian Cysts,Ovaries,Periods,PMS,Progesterone,Puberty,Statistics,
Download Chart Dense & Fibrocystic Breasts


The Effects of Estrogen & Progesterone Your Brain

Have you ever stopped to analyze the effect of estrogen and progesterone on your brain function? Were there certain times during your menstrual cycle when your brain functioned better than at other times? How did it function during pregnancy? And...

Anatomy,Behavioral Changes,Brain,Brain Fog,Dementia,ERT,Forgetfulness,HRT,Misinformation,Mood Swings,Periods,PMS,Pregnancy,Puberty,Sex,


Synthetic Progesterone Options for Menopause

Ugh! Synthetic progesterone is soooo confusing! You probably know women who used it to get pregnant. And you know women who used it for induction of labor. You might know someone who used it for irregular periods, or even contraception....

Acne,Bioidentical,Birth Control,Breast Pain,Cramping,Crinone,Depression,Discharge,Dizziness,DMPA,Drowsiness,Expulsion,Fatigue,Headaches,Implants,Medications,Mini-Pill,Mirena,Mood Swings,Nausea,Nexplanon,PMS,Progestin,Progestogen,Shots,Stomach Aches,Suppositories,Vaginal Gels,Weight Gain,