Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus
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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!
- Outline Notes
- Worksheet
The How, When, & What of Self Breast Exam
Do you perform your self breast exams? Do you know how to do them properly? Do you know when you should be doing them? Do you know precisely for what you are feeling? These are all things that are absolutely...
Abnormal Cells,Birth Control,Breasts,Clinical Breast Exam,Continuous Regimen,Cyclic Regimen,HRT,Mammogram,Misinformation,Patches,Periods,Self Breast Exam,Tumor,Vaginal Ring,336.
HRT Regimens for Preventing Endometrial Uterine Cancer
If you choose to use hormone replacement for preventing endometrial uterine cancer, you have to know about the different regimens for doing so. In this video tutorial, I’ll make sure you do. This is an ultra-critical aspect of your management.
Abnormal Bleeding,Anatomy,Birth Control,Bleeding,Continuous Regimen,Cyclic Regimen,Dosage,Endometrium,ERT,Femring,Gels,Gynecologic Cancers,HRT,IUD,Patches,Peri-Menopause,Periods,Pills,Post-Menopause,Progesterone,Progestin,Progestogen,Risk Factors,Suppositories,Tailoring,Unopposed Estrogen,Uterus,Vaginal Rings,177.
Hormonal Options for Preventing a Heart Attack
Sometimes, there are specific details that determine whether or not a particular option is right for you. And that’s precisely the case when it comes to hormonal options for preventing a heart attack. In this video, I’ll teach you precisely...
Arteries,Atherosclerosis,Bi-Est,Bioidentical,Blood Clots,Chemotherapy,Conjugated Estrogen,Dosage,ERT,Estradiol,Estrogen,Estropipate. Esterified Estrogen,Ethinyl Estradiol,Fats,Femring,Gels,HDL,HRT,LDL,Lipids,Lotions,Micronized,Patches,Pellets,Pills,Post-Menopause,Premature Menopause,Progesterone,Radiotherapy,Shots,Sprays,Statisitcs,Systemic,Tri-Est,Triglycerides,USP,Uterus,Window of Opportunity,159.
HRT-Choosing Process
When I do one-on-one consultations, I often guide women in how to choose their HRT, how to assess whether it’s working for them, and how to change it if it isn’t. That’s what I’ll do for you in this video...
Acne,Bi-Est,Bioidentical,Birth Control,Bloating,Blood Clots,Bone Loss,Breast Pain,Compounding,Conjugated,Conjugated Estrogen,Continuous Regimen,Cyclic Regimen,Depression,DEXA,Diagnosis,Diet,Esterified Estrogen,Estradiol,Estring,Estropipate,Ethinyl Estradiol,Fatigue,Femring,Gels,Goals,Implants,Irritability,IUD,Lifestyle,Lotions,Medroxyprogesterone Acetate,Micronized Progesterone,Norethindone Acetate,Norethindrone,Patches,Pellets,Periods,Pharmaceutical,Pills,Progesterone Gel,Risk Factors,SERMs,Shots,Sprays,Tailoring,Tri-Est,Uterine Cancer,Uterus,Vaginal Bleeding,Vaginal Creams,Vaginal Rings,Vaginal Tablets,Weight Gain,Window of Opportunity,95.
More Upside Down Misconceptions About Estrogen for Menopause
Estrogen! Is it your friend or your foe? Is it safe or dangerous? How much of what you’ve heard about it is accurate, and how much is pure misconception? Join me in this video, and I’ll give you the answers.
Alternative & Complementary,Alzheimer's Disease,Bioidentical,Compenstion,Creams,Dosage,Duration,ERT,Estradiol,Estring,Estriol,Estrogen Dominance,Estrōne,Femring,Gels,Goals,Heart Attack,Osteoporosis,Ovaries,Patches,Peri-Menopause,Periods,Pharmaceuticals,Pregnancy,Puberty,Sprays,Strokes,Synthetic,Uterine Cancer,Uterine Lining,Uterus,Vagifem,Vaginal Dryness,Window of Opportunity,94.
Upside Down Misconceptions About Menopause
There are so many misconceptions about menopause! And some of them are completely upside-down. Not only are these the most common (mis)beliefs held by the majority of women; they’re also the ones that will get you into the most trouble....
Alcohol,Alzheimer's Disease,Bioidentical,Birth Control,Bone Loss,Breast Cancer,Calcium,Cervical Cancer,Cervix,Compensation,Compounding,Denial,Dental Hygeine,Diet,ERT,Family History,Heart Attack,Herbal,Hormones,Hot Flashes,Hysterectomy,Lifestyle,Natural,Nutrition,Osteoporosis,Ovarian Cancer,Ovaries,Patches,Pharmaceutical,Pills,Statistics,Synthetics,Talcum Powder,Uterine Cancer,Uterus,Vaginal Rings,Vegan,84.
What Kind of Estrogen Can Prevent Diseases Associated With Menopause?
Have you ever wondered if all estrogen products are created equal when it comes to preventing the diseases that are associated with menopause? Do pills that you swallow do the same thing as creams that you insert into your vagina?...
Bioidentical,Botanicals,Compounding,Conjugated Estrogen,Creams,Dosage,ERT,Esterified Estrogen,Estradiol,Estring,Estropipate,Ethinyl Estradiol,FDA,Femring,Gels,Herbal,Implants,Isoflavones,Lotions,Patches,Pellets,Pharmaceuticals,Pills,Shots,Sprays,Systemic,Vagifem,Vaginal Creams,Vaginal Estrogen,Vaginal Pellets,Vaginal Rings,Wild Yams,Window of Opportunity,85.
How Much Estrogen Do You Need to Prevent Diseases of Menopause
Have you ever thought of estrogen dosage as an ingredient in a recipe? Did you think you could just take any old dosage of estrogen replacement and prevent those dread disease associated with menopause? Can you take a half dose...
Bi-Est,Compounding,Conjugated Estrogen,Dosage,ERT,Esterified Estrogen,Estradiol,Estring,Estropipate,Ethinyl Estradiol,Femring,Gel,HRT,Lotion,Misinformation,Patches,Pills,Spray,Systemic,Tri-Est,Vaginal Creams,Vaginal Pellets,Vaginal Ring,Window of Opportunity,41.
Principles of Synthetic Pharmaceutical Estrogen Plus Progesterone for Menopause
All this stuff about hormone dosages and how you take them can be confusing. Why do these things matter, anyway? Why isn’t there a "one-dose-and-regimen-fits-all" plan to make it easy? In this tutorial, I’ll explain the principles behind hormone dosages...
Birth Control,Continuous,Creams,Cyclic,Dosage,Endometrium,Gels,HRT,Medications,Patches,Periods,Pills,Vaginal Rings,42.
Synthetic Pharmaceutical Estrogen Plus Progesterone Birth Control Options For Menopause
Are you kidding? Birth control as a hormone source when menopause is on my doorstep? Is that really an option? What if you don’t need birth control? Is it still an option? Why would any woman choose to take birth...
Acne,Anemia,Anxiety,Appetite,Birth Control,Bleeding,Blood Clots,Breast Cancer,Breast Disease,Breast Tenderness,Continuous,Dark Spots,Depression,Diabetes,Dizziness,Dosage,Ectopic Pregnancy,Extended Cycle,Fibroids,Fluid Retention,Hair Loss,Headaches,Heart Attack,High Blood Pressure,HRT,Infections,Lipids,Liver Disease,Monophasic,Mood Swings,Nausea,Osteoporosis,Ovarian Cancer,Ovarian Cysts,Patches,Perimenopause,Periods,PID,Pills,PMS,Pregnancy,Rash,Smoking,Strokes,Triphasics,Uterine Cancer,Uterine Lining,Vaginal Infections,Vaginal Rings,Vomiting,