Menopause Taylor’s Educational Videos

My video series provides a complete and comprehensive education that covers every aspect of menopause, how it affects every area of your life, and every available option for managing it.

Because menopause can be tough to swallow, I believe a spoonful of humor makes the medicine go down. Learning from me is fun, and I promise not to bore or overwhelm you with science or jargon. In these videos, I present medical information using everyday language and familiar props that illustrate human biology and anatomy. You can watch them on any online device in your own time — just make sure you watch them in order, so you don’t miss anything that may be essential later on.

You can watch the videos while reading my book and using the slide chart to ensure you get the most from my menopause education.



14 Factors Determining Your Dietary Options for Preventing Alzheimer’s

What determines whether a dietary option is good for preventing Alzheimer’s or not? It’s not just one thing, that's for sure! In this video, I’ll address 14 different factors that you have to consider in designating the best foods and...



Calorie Restriction versus Intermittent Fasting for Preventing Alzheimer’s

You hear all sorts of marketing claims about the benefits of calorie restriction and intermittent fasting. But are the benefits specific to your brain? And do both calorie restriction and intermittent fasting benefit your brain? If so, do they benefit...



The Connection Between Diabetes & Alzheimer’s

Have you ever thought of Diabetes and Alzheimer’s as being connected? It might surprise you to discover that Alzheimer’s has actually been called Diabetes Type 3! And for very good reason. This video will explain why.



Fresh, versus Processed, versus Fortified & Enriched Foods for Preventing Alzheimer’s

Have you ever considered your own brain’s opinions about food? What do you think your brain likes better: fresh versus processed versus fortified and enriched foods? And if your brain does prefer one of these over the others, what might...



Worst Foods on Planet Earth for Your Brain

Which foods would you consider to be the worst foods on Planet Earth for your brain? Have you ever stopped to think about it? In this video, I will present the actual worst foods on Planet Earth for your brain....



Food for Thought: Quick-Fix Dietary Options for Preventing Alzheimer’s

As much as I hate quick-fixes and the tendency to seek them, I’m giving you just that in this video. This tutorial will quickly give you the summary of the previous seven videos on your dietary options for preventing Alzheimer’s....



Effects of Rhythm, Routines, & Ruts in Preventing Alzheimer’s

Do you have any idea just how much rhythms, routines, and ruts affect your ability to cause or prevent Alzheimer’s? I call these “The Three Rs.” And they all have major roles in determining your brain’s destiny. In this video,...



Vitamin, Mineral, & Supplement Options for Preventing Alzheimer’s

Don’t you want to know if there are vitamins, minerals, or supplements that are pertinent to Alzheimer’s? And don’t you want to know their limitations so that you don’t expect more from them than they can deliver? Well, that’s what...



Herbal Options for Preventing Alzheimer’s

Do you know which herbal options qualify as capable of preventing Alzheimer’s? Knowing things like this are what make the difference between successful and unsuccessful brain preservation. In this video, I’ll present the herbal options that ate contenders and tell...



Hormonal Medication Options for Preventing Alzheimer’s

If Alzheimer’s and estrogen loss at post-menopause are related, can you use hormones as a management option to prevent Alzheimer’s? And if you can, which hormones suffice? In this video, I’ll explain the logic behind hormonal medication options for preventing...



The Estrogen Window & Alzheimer’s Disease

Since estrogen is thee hormonal medication option for preventing Alzheimer’s, and since it does an excellent job of preventing Alzheimer’s you need to know the specifics about timing, kind, and dosage. And that’s precisely what this video will address. It...



Horse Urine Could Save Your Brain

Sometimes, one particular product has an advantage or a disadvantage over all others. When that’s the case, I make sure you know about its unique characteristic. And that’s what I’ll do in this video. It turns out that horse urine...



Alzheimer’s Results From the WHI

Remember when you hear the reports from the infamous WHI study, claiming that HRT increased your risk of Alzheimer’s? Well guess what? You heard a great big lie. In this video tutorial, I'll tell you what really happened, and give...



Non-Hormonal Medication Options for Preventing or Treating Alzheimer’s

Are you familiar with the non-hormonal medication options for preventing and treating Alzheimer’s? Did you even know that such medications exist? Well, despite the fact that Alzheimer’s is an untreatable disease, they do. And some of them will really blow...



The Effects of Statin Drugs & NSAIDs on Your Brain

I’ve taught you that the risk factors for a heart attack are also the risk factors for Alzheimer’s. Stains and NSAIDs lower your risk for a heart attack. So, does that mean they also lower your risk for Alzheimer’s? In...



Overlapping Management Options for Your Heart, Your Bones, & Your Brain

Now that we've covered heart attack, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s, you might be wondering how in the world to pinpoint the best management options if you have more than one of the three. If so, you’ll love discovering a nifty way...