Menopause Taylor’s Educational Videos
My video series provides a complete and comprehensive education that covers every aspect of menopause, how it affects every area of your life, and every available option for managing it.
Because menopause can be tough to swallow, I believe a spoonful of humor makes the medicine go down. Learning from me is fun, and I promise not to bore or overwhelm you with science or jargon. In these videos, I present medical information using everyday language and familiar props that illustrate human biology and anatomy. You can watch them on any online device in your own time — just make sure you watch them in order, so you don’t miss anything that may be essential later on.
You can watch the videos while reading my book and using the slide chart to ensure you get the most from my menopause education.
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Symptoms of Menopause & The Estrogen Window of Opportunity
You know that long list of symptoms of menopause? It seems like every part of your body bothers you in some way or another. Do you know which of those symptoms fall into the estrogen window of opportunity? Which ones...
Diseases of Menopause & The Estrogen Window of Opportunity
So how does this concept of "the estrogen window of opportunity" apply to the long-term diseases that are associated with menopause? That’s the stuff that really matters in the big picture. IF you aren’t aware of this, it could be...
Risk for DISEASES of Menopause & The Estrogen Window of Opportunity
Do you know which three dreaded diseases you can prevent by understanding the estrogen window of opportunity? Do you know how much of a difference you can make in your future by learning about them? Most women would answer, "No"...
What Kind of Estrogen Can Prevent Diseases Associated With Menopause?
Have you ever wondered if all estrogen products are created equal when it comes to preventing the diseases that are associated with menopause? Do pills that you swallow do the same thing as creams that you insert into your vagina?...
How Much Estrogen Do You Need to Prevent Diseases of Menopause
Have you ever thought of estrogen dosage as an ingredient in a recipe? Did you think you could just take any old dosage of estrogen replacement and prevent those dread disease associated with menopause? Can you take a half dose...
What Happens if You Don’t Take Estrogen Replacement Therapy for Menopause
I’ve taught you all about the Estrogen Window of Opportunity, and how taking estrogen in the first 5 – 10 years of your post-menopause can decrease your risk for certain diseases. So, you might just wonder what happens if you...
When to START Taking Estrogen Replacement Therapy for Menopause
If you’ve heard of "The Estrogen Window of Opportunity," you might wonder when to start taking estrogen before your window of opportunity closes. Understanding the importance of timing is so critical. Join me in this video tutorial to learn all...
When to STOP Taking Estrogen Replacement Therapy for Menopause
After learning when to START taking estrogen replacement therapy in the last tutorial, don’t you want to know when to STOP taking it? Of course, you do! Watching this one will complete the picture of what you need to know...
What Determines How Long Should YOU Take Estrogen Replacement Therapy for Menopause
Now that you’ve learned all about the estrogen window of opportunity, the next question becomes, "What determines how long you should take estrogen replacement therapy for menopause?" In this video tutorial, I’ll teach you how to answer that question in...
What’s Progesterone Got To Do With The Estrogen Window?
Now that I’ve taught you all about the estrogen window of menopause, I’m sure you’re wondering, "What’s progesterone got to do with it?" It’s only natural that you would post that question. In this video, I’ll answer it. And I...
“Guidelines” for Menopause Management
What’s with all the "guidelines in medicine? Don’t they imply that everyone should do the same thing? Isn’t each woman’s situation unique? Join me in this video, where I’ll teach you all about guidelines, how the medical community uses them,...
Your Body’s Love Hate Relationship With Estrogen
Love and hate. They’re such opposites, and yet we often feel both at the same time. Could it be that the same is true of how your body feels about estrogen? Does your body love estrogen or does it hate...
The Most Important Thing About Menopause
Ask anyone what the most important thing about menopause is, and I can assure you they’ll give you an incorrect answer. In life, sometimes the most important thing is something you don’t know. And such is definitely the case for...
Upside Down Misconceptions About Menopause
There are so many misconceptions about menopause! And some of them are completely upside-down. Not only are these the most common (mis)beliefs held by the majority of women; they’re also the ones that will get you into the most trouble....
More Upside Down Misconceptions About Estrogen for Menopause
Estrogen! Is it your friend or your foe? Is it safe or dangerous? How much of what you’ve heard about it is accurate, and how much is pure misconception? Join me in this video, and I’ll give you the answers.
10 Huge Misconceptions About PROGESTERONE for Menopause
All these misconceptions! What about the misconceptions concerning progesterone? What untruths are floating around between women about this hormone? Is it as wonderful as it seems? Are there any risks associated with it? I’ll answer these questions and more in...
YOUR MENOPAUSE: Traumatic, Dramatic, or Pragmatic???
Traumatic, dramatic, and pragmatic: three simple adjectives, with three vastly different scenarios ... especially as they pertain to menopause. Tune in to this video, and I’ll teach you the different ways to adapt to the changes of menopause.
Hormones for Menopause: The Truth, Whole Truth, & Nothing But the Truth
When you hear a report about a research study, do you assume that what you heard is the truth? Do you react to that report expecting that you’ve heard the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Or...
Primary and Secondary Uses of HRT for Menopause
What’s the "primary" reason for taking HRT for menopause? And what are the "perks?" Understanding this distinction is critical. It affects your ability to obtain HRT, your expectations, and your results. Join me in this video to learn what you...
“Politically-Correct” HRT Use For Menopause
Since HRT has both primary and secondary uses, you need to know HOW to have a conversation with your provider that will get you what you want. If you don’t know about the politically-correct way of discussing HRT, you might...