Menopause Taylor’s Educational Videos
My video series provides a complete and comprehensive education that covers every aspect of menopause, how it affects every area of your life, and every available option for managing it.
Because menopause can be tough to swallow, I believe a spoonful of humor makes the medicine go down. Learning from me is fun, and I promise not to bore or overwhelm you with science or jargon. In these videos, I present medical information using everyday language and familiar props that illustrate human biology and anatomy. You can watch them on any online device in your own time — just make sure you watch them in order, so you don’t miss anything that may be essential later on.
You can watch the videos while reading my book and using the slide chart to ensure you get the most from my menopause education.
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Does Progestogen Cause Breast Cancer?
Alright, if, based on last week’s video, estrogen does not cause breast cancer, could it be that progestogen causes breast cancer? What do the studies on women taking progestogens alone tell us about the role of progestogens in causing breast...
Do Estrogen + Progestogen Together Cause Breast Cancer?
Since we’ve established that neither estrogen alone nor progestogen alone causes breast cancer, what about estrogen + progestogen together? Might that be the culprit? After all, your body produces both of them. So in this video, we will address the...
History of Research Studies on HRT & Breast Cancer
Based on what the media presents, you might think that the history of research on HRT and breast cancer is limited and recent. But such is not the case. There is quite a long history of research on HRT and...
The WHI Findings on Breast Cancer
Directly or indirectly, you’ve heard about the findings of the WHI study on breast cancer. But what do you really know about this study in general? And what were its assertions about breast cancer in particular? Few women know the...
Summary on the Question, “Does HRT Cause Breast Cancer?”
So, what’s the answer to the question, “Does HRT cause breast cancer?” How do you know? What does the data say? What does the court of public opinion say? What do you say? In this video, I’ll lead you through...
Pathology of Breast Cancer
Now that you understand the risk factors for breast cancer, it’s time for you to learn how breast cancer develops. This is called the “pathology of breast cancer.” It pertains to what goes wrong to make cancer cancer. In this...
Red Lights and Green Lights for Breast Cancer Development
Do you know what constitutes a green light for breast cancer development? In other words, what enables breast cancer to develop in the first place? Alternatively, what constitutes a red light to prevent breast cancer development? Knowing the things that...
Grading & Staging of Breast Cancer
How much do you know about the grading and staging of breast cancer? Do you know anything that makes it unique compared to other staging and grading systems for other cancers? Well, this is something about which you need to...
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
What do you know about the symptoms of breast cancer? Do you know the precise symptoms? Do you know when they appear? You see, if you don’t know the typical symptoms of breast cancer, how are you going to diagnose...
Breast Inspection
What’s your definition of “breast inspection”? How much do you know about it? Given the fact that the symptoms of breast cancer present themselves very late in the course of the disease, what other things can you do to catch...
The How, When, & What of Self Breast Exam
Do you perform your self breast exams? Do you know how to do them properly? Do you know when you should be doing them? Do you know precisely for what you are feeling? These are all things that are absolutely...
Clinical Breast Exam
When your doctor does your breast check, it’s called a “clinical breast exam.” So how does your doctor’s clinical breast exam compare to your self breast-exam? Are they the same? Is one better than the other? In this video tutorial,...
Radiologic Breast Exam
You’ve probably heard of mammograms. They constitute the most common form of radiologic breast exam. But do you understand how they screen for breast cancer? And do you understand how your breast density affects your mammograms? In this video tutorial,...
Mammogram Guidelines
Have you ever heard of “mammogram guidelines”? If so, what have you heard about them? And what’s your impression of them? Did you know that there is more than just one set of mammogram guidelines … and that they differ...
The Great Debate About Screening Mammograms
Because all screening tests sometimes lie, and because there are so many different guidelines for screening mammograms, many controversies have arisen regarding the best way to utilize mammograms. Together, there are so many issues included in the controversy that it’s...
Alternatives to Mammograms
What are your alternatives if mammograms aren’t well-suited to your situation? Or what if you just hate mammograms? There are so many instances in which you may need to consider alternatives to mammograms. Do you know what they are? In...
Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
Do you know how your doctor makes the diagnosis of breast cancer? And what happens after that? While it seems that the diagnosis would lead directly to treatment, it really isn’t that simple. Watch this video to learn what’s really...
Breast Cancer Treatment Through the Ages and the Stages
Have you ever wondered how we ended up with the current treatments for breast cancer? It’s quite an interesting story. In this video, I’ll tell you about the history of breast cancer treatment through the ages. And then I’ll tell...
Prognosis of Breast Cancer
This video will teach you about the prognosis of breast cancer. It’s a lot like predicting a weather forecast. And whether the cancer regresses or progresses depends on the kind of cancer it is. But the real question is, do...
Dietary Options for Preventing Breast Cancer
If you had to cite the best dietary practices for preventing breast cancer, what would you include? And what would you exclude? How would these dietary options for preventing breast cancer differ from those for preventing heart attack or Alzheimer’s...