Menopause Taylor’s Educational Videos
My video series provides a complete and comprehensive education that covers every aspect of menopause, how it affects every area of your life, and every available option for managing it.
Because menopause can be tough to swallow, I believe a spoonful of humor makes the medicine go down. Learning from me is fun, and I promise not to bore or overwhelm you with science or jargon. In these videos, I present medical information using everyday language and familiar props that illustrate human biology and anatomy. You can watch them on any online device in your own time — just make sure you watch them in order, so you don’t miss anything that may be essential later on.
You can watch the videos while reading my book and using the slide chart to ensure you get the most from my menopause education.
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Dietary Options for Preventing Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
What if you prefer to rely on dietary options to prevent the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency? Would you know which foods you could use for each? And would you know the limitations of what they can accomplish? The...
Lifestyle Options for Preventing the 3 Big Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
Your lifestyle dictates your death style. And if you wish to use lifestyle options for preventing the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency, you have to know how much of a commitment it will take. In this video, I’ll give...
Exercise Options for Preventing the 3 Big Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
If you consider exercise as a whole for purposes of preventing the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency, are you able to cite which kinds of exercise suffice for preventing which diseases? Wouldn’t it be awful to assume you’re doing...
Vitamin, Mineral, & Supplement Options for Preventing the 3 Big Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
There are so many vitamins, minerals, and supplements! And some of them are beneficial in helping to prevent one of the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency. But what happens if you look at the whole range of these products...
Herbal Options for Preventing the 3 Big Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
What if you’re fond of herbs, and want to rely on herbs for preventing the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency? Is that possible? Or is it just an illusion? This video will frame your expectations so that you utilize...
Non-Hormonal Medication Options for Preventing & Treating the 3 Big Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
There are all sorts of non-hormonal medications for preventing the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency. But, in addition to prevention, these items can function in the realms of intervention and fixin’, too. And, while that’s all fine, there are...
Prevention IS Fixin’
All this separation of prevention, intervention, and fixin’ for the diseases of estrogen deficiency makes sense. But, when you boil it all down to the bottom line and add yourself to all the options for management, you realize that prevention...
Distinctions Regarding the Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
Now that we’ve covered the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency and looked at them every which way, I want to make a few distinctions that are critical to your successful menopause management. They are the little things that are...
The Normal Cell
We’re just beginning a unit on cancer in general. But, before you can understand a cancer cell, you have to understand a normal cell. So this video gives you the foundation you need for normal cell behavior. Of course, I’ll...
Cell Size and Cell Number
Two of the features that can be pertinent abnormal cells are cell size and cell number. But they don’t necessarily imply cancer. This video will explain the ramifications of increases in cell size and cell number in an easy-to-understand way...
The Progression of Cell Abnormalities Leading to Cancer
Have you ever considered how a cancer becomes a cancer? It doesn’t just do so in a flash. There’s a progression of cellular changes that take place. And knowing what they are is very critical to understanding cancer in general....
Common Characteristics of All Cancers
There are certain characteristics that all cancers have in common. Do you know what they are? These common characteristics are yet another critical step in understanding cancer in general. In this video tutorial, I’ll walk you through the characteristics that...
The Multiple Personalities of Cancers “Cancer” is many different diseases
In the last video, I taught you about the common characteristics of all cancers. But there’s a flip side. Despite the fact that all cancers have some characteristics in common, they also have distinct characteristics that make them behave differently....
Cancer Assessment
Do you know all the things that are included in the process of assessing a cancer? They extend along a timeline from the agent that first causes a normal cell to transform into a cancer cell all the way through...
Emotional Aspects of Cancer
In any discussion of cancer, it’s important to talk about the emotional reaction to cancer. There are actually specific, consecutive, and understandable emotional reactions to receiving a diagnosis of cancer. In this video, I’ll teach you what they are. You’ll...
Causes of Cancer
What comes to mind when you consider the causes of cancer? Do you automatically think about specific causes of individual kinds of cancer? Or do you reflect on the causes of cancer in general? In this video, we’ll look at...
The War on Cancer
What does the “War on cancer” mean to you? Does it conjure up visions of chemotherapeutic drugs, radiation treatments, and surgical procedures? Or maybe you envision public walks, runs, and races for the cure to raise money for research. On...
Hereditary and Non-Hereditary Cancers
We’ve all heard of hereditary and non-hereditary cancers. And the differences between the two sound obvious enough. But do you really know how they differ? Most people have gross misconceptions about their differences. In this video tutorial, I’ll make it...
Collecting and Connecting the Dots
Everything you learn about menopause constitutes a dot of information. After collecting the dots, your brain naturally tries to make sense of information by connecting the dots. So it’s really important to collect facts rather than fiction. And it’s really...
Anatomy of Your Uterus & Endometrial Uterine Cancer
If I mention “uterine cancer” with regard to post-menopausal women, what part of the uterus do you envision? Or does it matter? Do you even know the different parts of the uterus? What’s at the top? What’s at the bottom?...