Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus

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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!



  • Outline Notes
  • Worksheet



Dietary Options for Preventing Osteoporosis

If you had to list foods that can decrease your risk of osteoporosis, what would you put on the list? What about foods that increase your risk of osteoporosis? I’ll make it easy for you. Just watch this video, and...

Alcohol,Bone density,Bone Loss,Bone Quality,Bone Quantity,Caffeine,Calcium,Dairy,Diet,Eggs,Estrogen,Flaxseed,Greens,Hips,Misinformation,Phosphorous,Phytoestrogens,Protein,Race,Research Studies,Risk Factors,Soft Drinks,Soy,Spine,Statistics,Vitamin D,Wrist,


Dietary Options for Preventing a Heart Attack: Low Fat

Everybody says that you need a “low fat” diet to prevent a heart attack. But, what does that really mean? And when you hear that, do you know which foods to avoid? If you ask me, it’s too general, and...

Abdominal Fat,Arteries,Cholesterol,Coconut Oil,Dairy,Diet,Fats,Fatty Acids,Fish Oils,Habits,HDL,Homcysteine,Junk Food,Keto Diet,LDL,Lifestyle,Meat,Misinformation,Nutrition,Palm Oil,Phytoestrogen,Saturated Fats,Soy,Trans Fats,Transit Time,Triglycerides,Unsaturated Fats,Vegan,


Minerals for Menopause

What if your preference is to take minerals for the management of your menopause? Do you know which minerals will provide the greatest benefits? Do you know which minerals to use for which symptoms? Don’t you think it’s better to...

Acne,Alzheimer's Disease,B Vitamins,Bone Loss,Bone Quality,Bone Quantity,Boron,Calcium,Copper,Dairy,Diet,Dietary Supplements,Dosage,Estrogen,Forgetfulness,Greens,Hair Loss,Heart,Joint Pain,Joint Stiffness,Magnesium,Manganese,Minerals,Misinformation,Mood Swings,Osteoporosis,Phosphorous,Potassium,Processed Foods,Selenium,Silicon,Sodium,Trace Minerals,Urinary Incontinence,Zinc,


Misleading Food Labelling

Have you ever really paid attention to the writing you see on food packages. Do you use it to choose your food? How likely are you to buy something because it’s “fat-free,” or “natural”? Do you know how accurate food...

Antioxidants,Calories,Cholesterol,Dairy,Diet,Fats,FDA,Fiber,Genetically Modified,Gluten,Grains,Minerals,Nutrition,Nutrition Labels,Processed Foods,Protein,Sugar,Trans Fats,Vitamins,


How to Read Nutrition Labels

You know that white rectangular box on food packages? It’s supposed to tell you the truth about the food. But, do you know how to read it? Do you know how to interpret what it’s telling you? After all, that’s...

Calories,Carbohydrates,Cholesterol,Dairy,Diet,Fats,FDA,Fiber,HDL,Heart Attack,LDL,Minerals,Nutrition,Nutrition Labels,Percent Daily Value,Protein,Saturated Fats,Serving Size,Sodium,Sugar,Trans Fats,Unsaturated Fats,Vegan,Vitamins,


What The Big Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know About Food

Have you ever thought about your health in terms of big industry? Probably not. We tend to think of our health as an individual matter. But, the fact is, you are part of the economy. And, as a part of...

Addiction,Dairy,Diet,Food Industry,Healthcare professionals,Heart Attacks,Heart Disease,Lactase,Lactose,Medical Industry,Minerals,Nutrition,Pharmaceutical Industry,Protein,Scientific Industry,Transit Time,Vitamin Mineral & Supplement Industry,Vitamins,


The Dirt on Dairy

What if I told you that everything you thought you knew about dairy products is all wrong? What if the dairy industry had misled you your entire life? And what if the consequences of never learning the truth had devastating...

Acid Load,Addiction,Autoimmune Diseases,Breast Cancer,Calcium,Calcium Kidney Stones,Dairy,Diabetes,Diet,Digestion,Heart Attack,Lactaid,Lactose,Misinformation,Nutrition,Obesity,Osteoporosis,Ovarian Cancer,Parkinson's Disease,Prostate Cancer,Risk Factors,Statistics,Weight Gain,


Nutrition Myths

You hear all sorts of things about nutrition: “Everything in moderation,” "It’s okay to cheat once in a while,” “Eat foods that are low-fat, high-fiber,” “Buy organic,” “Get your calcium from dairy.” These are but a few of the things...

Abdominal Pain,Bloating,Calcium,Cholesterol,Constipation,Dairy,Diabetes,Diarrhea,Diet,Digestion,Fats,Fiber,Gas,Habits,Heart Attack,Lactaid,Minerals,Muscle Mass,Nutrition,Obesity,Protein,Statistics,Vitamins,


Use of Genetically Modified Soy at Menopause

I’m sure you’ve heard the acronym "GMO." Do you know what it means? Do you know the science and reasoning behind it? Is soy the only food that’s affected by genetic modification? And what if you want to avoid foods...

Dairy,Diet,FDA,Genetically Modified,Goals,Habits,Junk Food,Misinformation,Nutrition,Processed Foods,Soy,


Animal Protein vs Plant Protein for Menopause

When you think about protein, what comes to mind? An animal? An animal product? A dairy product? Why is that? Do you assume that plants don’t have protein? If so, why? And if you have to consider the quality of...

Calories,Cholesterol,Dairy,Diabetes,Diet,Heart Attack,Nurtition,Protein,Statistics,Vegan,