Menopause Taylor’s Educational Videos

My video series provides a complete and comprehensive education that covers every aspect of menopause, how it affects every area of your life, and every available option for managing it.

Because menopause can be tough to swallow, I believe a spoonful of humor makes the medicine go down. Learning from me is fun, and I promise not to bore or overwhelm you with science or jargon. In these videos, I present medical information using everyday language and familiar props that illustrate human biology and anatomy. You can watch them on any online device in your own time — just make sure you watch them in order, so you don’t miss anything that may be essential later on.

You can watch the videos while reading my book and using the slide chart to ensure you get the most from my menopause education.



Non-Hormonal Medication Options for Preventing a Heart Attack

What if your doctor recommends a non-hormonal medication to decrease your risk of a heart attack? Would you know anything about those drugs? Or would you have to consult Dr. Google? I can save you the trouble. Just watch this...



Blood Clots at Menopause

How much do you know about blood clots at menopause? How much do you know about blood clots in general? Well, menopause is a time when you need to learn about them. So watch this video, and you’ll be all...



Happily-Ever-After Menopause

When you think of the "happily-ever-after” events in your life, is menopause among them? If not, why? “Happily-ever-after” doesn’t just happen. You have to create it. In this video, I’ll tell you how.




Your Greatest Enemies of Menopause

Have you ever thought about all the different forces that impact your menopause in terms of whether they constitute a friend or an enemy? If you do, it’s really eye-opening. Well, all you have to do is open your eyes...




“Birth Plan” for Menopause

Have you ever heard of a “birth plan”? It’s a document that a pregnant woman creates to dictate the specifics of her labor and delivery. Well, it makes a whole lot more sense to create a “birth plan” for your...




Menopause is Not a Quick-Fix Phenomenon

In our quick-fix, short-cut, sound-bite world, you might try to manage your menopause in one of these default manners. Ah, but you’ll be disappointed and dissatisfied if you do. Some things just don’t lend themselves to such methods. Watch this...




The Smorgasbord of Options for Menopause

Have you ever stopped to think about all the different categories of options that exist for managing your menopause? It consists of multiple options in each and every category. And that adds up to a huge smorgasbord of options. Watch...




Pharmaceutical Drugs versus Dietary Supplements

Do you really understand the differences between pharmaceutical drugs and dietary supplements? I find that most women don’t ... even when they think they do. There are differences at so many more levels than you might imagine. And, if you...




Bioidentical, Compounded, Custom, and Pharmaceutical Hormones: Similarities and Differences

What does the word, “bioidentical” mean to you? What if it’s combined with the word, “compounded,” or “custom”? Or what if it’s combined with the word, “pharmaceutical”? There is just so much confusion over these terms. And this video will...




The Role YOU Play in the Status of Menopause in the World Today

Have you ever thought in terms of YOUR role in the status of menopause in the world today? Did you even realize that you have a role? The simple fact is that, as a woman, you definitely have a role....





Do you know what it is to turn your negatives into positives? It’s when you embrace an undesirable event and use it to do something powerful. It’s what I’ve done with my crossed eyes and arthritis, and it’s what I’m...




Definition of Osteoporosis

We’ve all heard the word, “osteoporosis.” But do you really know and understand what it means? Even dictionaries define it incorrectly. In this video, I’ll make sure you know what it is and never forget it.




Your Bones From Puberty to Menopause

Have you ever stopped to think about the effects of puberty and menopause on your bones? Do you ever think of your bones at all when addressing puberty or menopause? Well, believe me, they’re connected! And this video will teach...



How Common is Osteoporosis?

No doubt you’ve heard the word “osteoporosis.” And, you might even know what it means. But, do you know how common it is? Do you know how many women have it, how many have fractures because of it, or how...



Bone Structure and Bone Fracture

Good bone structure isn’t just about having a pretty face. It’s the difference between bones that are prone to fracture as a result of osteoporosis and bones that aren’t. In this video tutorial, I’ll teach you what you need to...



Rate of Bone Loss at Menopause

You may know that you lose bone at menopause. But, do you know how rapidly you lose bone at menopause? Do you think you lose a lot at first or just a little at first? Do you think you lose...

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