Menopause Taylor’s Educational Videos
My video series provides a complete and comprehensive education that covers every aspect of menopause, how it affects every area of your life, and every available option for managing it.
Because menopause can be tough to swallow, I believe a spoonful of humor makes the medicine go down. Learning from me is fun, and I promise not to bore or overwhelm you with science or jargon. In these videos, I present medical information using everyday language and familiar props that illustrate human biology and anatomy. You can watch them on any online device in your own time — just make sure you watch them in order, so you don’t miss anything that may be essential later on.
You can watch the videos while reading my book and using the slide chart to ensure you get the most from my menopause education.
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Symptoms of Osteoporosis:
Can you describe the symptoms of osteoporosis? And can you decipher which ones are early versus late? If you can’t, how in the world are you going to know if you’re losing bone? Knowing how osteoporosis presents itself is critical...
Prognosis of Fractures from Osteoporosis
Do you know what the long-term consequence, or “prognosis,” is for a fracture that is due to osteoporosis? It’s not like a fracture of normal bone, that’s for sure. Knowing the consequences can empower you with an understanding of how...
How To Know If You’re At Risk for Osteoporosis
If you had to list the things that increase your risk for osteoporosis, could you do it? How many items would constitute your list? You see, if you don’t know the list of things that increase your risk, how in...
Bone Density Tests for Osteoporosis
What do you know about the different devices for testing your bone density? Anything? Do you know how many different machines there are or how they differ in their ability to diagnose or monitor osteoporosis? Would you know which one...
Guidelines for Bone Density Testing
Are you familiar with “guidelines” in general? How about the guidelines for bone density testing, in particular? Now that’s a set of guidelines that you really need to know and understand! They are not what you would expect. And, if...
How to Interpret Your Bone Density Test Results:
If you got a bone density test, would you understand the implications of the results? What if you couldn't rely on what your doctor’s office tells you? Unfortunately, that’s precisely why you need to know how to interpret the results,...
Monitors for Bone Loss
Given the fact that your bones are always “turning over,” replacing old bone with new bone, you might wonder if there are substances you can monitor in your blood or urine to indicate bone loss. That's what I’ll address in...
Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Tools
Have you ever heard of an “osteoporosis risk assessment tool”? What do you suppose it can do for you? Despite the nifty name, it’s critical that you know both the purpose and the limitations of these tools. So, watch this...
Premature Menopause & Osteoporosis
Have you any idea how truly profound premature menopause is on your risk for osteoporosis? The impact is fast, furious, and so unfortunate. Watch this video to understand what you need to know about early estrogen loss causing early bone...
Why Are so Many Women Unaware That They Have Osteoporosis
Wouldn’t you like to know why so many women are unaware that they have osteoporosis? Would it surprise you to discover that there are actually 16 different reasons? Watch this video to find out what they are.
Lifestyle Options for Preventing Osteoporosis and Fractures
Did you know there are lifestyle measures that you can use to decrease your risk of osteoporosis and fractures? Do you know what they are? This video will present them so that you don’t present to your doctor with osteoporosis...
Exercise for Preventing Osteoporosis, Falls, and Fractures
One of the most important management options for preventing osteoporosis and falls is exercise. But, only certain kinds of exercise suffice. In this video, I’ll explain all the necessary qualifications and show you some examples of the most important things...
Get on the Ball for Exercise During Menopause
Why don’t you “get on the ball” to exercise? I don’t mean, “get on the ball” in the sense of get going. I mean, “get on the ball” ... that big round thing ... the ball! It’s a great and...
Balancing Exercises With Weights for Menopause
Do you hate lifting weights? Isn’t it boring? And do you rush through it just to get it over with? Well, goodbye boredom and rushing. Join me to learn a new, fun, slow way to lift your weights and work...
Balancing Exercises with Bands for Menopause
What if you want to do resistance exercise, but don’t like the idea of using heavy weights to do it? Well, here’s another option: You can use elastic bands. And not only that; you can add balance to your resistance....
Dietary Options for Preventing Osteoporosis
If you had to list foods that can decrease your risk of osteoporosis, what would you put on the list? What about foods that increase your risk of osteoporosis? I’ll make it easy for you. Just watch this video, and...
Vitamin & Mineral Options for Preventing Osteoporosis
When you think of the vitamins & minerals that can help prevent osteoporosis, which ones come to mind? Can you name any other than calcium and magnesium? Most people are at a loss beyond those two. In this video, I’ll...
Calcium for Preventing Osteoporosis
There is so much talk about calcium ... but so little real knowledge about calcium. In this video, I’ll teach you what you need to know, and even provide you with a cheat sheet for getting the calcium supplement that’s...
Vitamin D for Preventing Osteoporosis
There’s so much talk about the importance of calcium for preventing osteoporosis and so little talk about Vitamin D. Of the two, Vitamin D is much more important. And knowing the proper dosing and kinds of Vitamin D is critical...
Don’t Fall for Calcium and Vitamin D
What would you do if you got a bone density scan that showed frank osteoporosis and a high risk of a fall that could cause a fracture? Would you fall for it? Watch this video on how to avoid falling...