Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus
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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!
- Outline Notes
- Worksheet
Medication Options for Preventing Breast Cancer
Did you know that there are actual medications for preventing breast cancer? And do you know what they are? Depending on your degree of risk for breast cancer, these medications could be viable options for preventing it. But you have...
Anastrozole,Androgen,Aromatase Inhibitors,Back Pain,Blood Clots,Cataracts,Chemotherapy,Dosage,Enzymes,Estrogen,Exemestane,Fractures,Genetic Mutation,Genetic Testing,Hot Flashes,Joint Pain,Letrozole,Lifetime Risk,Medications,Metastasis,Muscle Cramps,Nausea,Off-label,Ovarian Cancer,Post-Menopause,Pre-menopause,Raloxifene,Receptor Sites,Risk,Risk Assessment,Risk Factors,SERMs,Stroke,Tailoring,Tamoxifen,Thrombosis,Uterus,203.
How To Know If You’re At Risk for Osteoporosis
If you had to list the things that increase your risk for osteoporosis, could you do it? How many items would constitute your list? You see, if you don’t know the list of things that increase your risk, how in...
Anorexia,Anticonvulsants,Autoimmune Diseases,Body shape,Bulimia,Caffeine,Calcium,Chronic,Diabetes,Diet,Endocrine Disorders,Falls,Family History,Gastrointestinal Disorders,Genetics,Hematologic Disorders,HRT,Lifestyle,Medications,Post-Menopause,Premature Menopause,Prognosis,Puberty,Race,Risk Factors,Sedentary,Smoking,Steroids,Thyroid Disease,Vitamin D,103.
Which is Easier to Preserve at Menopause: Your Brain or Your Bones?
Have you ever thought about menopause in terms of "preservation"? Along with the loss of estrogen, there’s the loss of other things, namely, your brain and your bones. So why not talk about how to preserve your brain and your...
Alcohol,B Vitamins,Bazedoxifene,Bisphosphonates,Boron,Botanicals,Caffeine,Calcium,Copper,Diet,Exercise,Flaxseed,Gotu Kola,Grains,Green Tea,Herbals,Lecithin,Magnesium,Manganese,Medications,Minerals,Non-hormonal,Nutrition,Phytoestrogens,Processed Foods,Protein,Raloxifene,Refined Foods,SERMs,Silicon,Soft Drinks,Soy,Tamoxifen,Tibolone,Vitamin C,Vitamin D,Vitamin E,Vitamin K,Vitamins,Zinc,98.
Hormones for Menopause: The Truth, Whole Truth, & Nothing But the Truth
When you hear a report about a research study, do you assume that what you heard is the truth? Do you react to that report expecting that you’ve heard the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Or...
Alzheimer's Disease,Blood Clots,Breast Cancer,ERT,Healthcare professionals,Heart Attack,HRT,Insurance,Medications,Osteoporosis,Research Studies,Statistics,Strokes,WHI Study,Window of Opportunity,99.
Primary and Secondary Uses of HRT for Menopause
What’s the "primary" reason for taking HRT for menopause? And what are the "perks?" Understanding this distinction is critical. It affects your ability to obtain HRT, your expectations, and your results. Join me in this video to learn what you...
Alzheimer's Disease,Goals,Guidelines,Heart Attack,HRT,Medications,Osteoporosis,Primary Purposes,Seconday Purposes,WHI Study,89.
What Determines How Long Should YOU Take Estrogen Replacement Therapy for Menopause
Now that you’ve learned all about the estrogen window of opportunity, the next question becomes, "What determines how long you should take estrogen replacement therapy for menopause?" In this video tutorial, I’ll teach you how to answer that question in...
Alzheimer's Disease,Blood Clots,Bone Quantity,Botanicals,Diet,Dosage,Duration,ERT,Exercise,Goals,Healthcare professionals,Heart Attack,Herbs,HRT,Lifestyle,Medications,Mental Sharpness,Minerals,Misinformation,Osteoporosis,Risk Factors,Tailoring,Vitamins,Window of Opportunity,78.
Compensation for Loss of Estrogen at Menopause
If you think of post-menopause as an estrogen deficiency state, it would make sense to compensate for that deficiency. In other words, you’d want to do something to give you the benefits that estrogen provided (before it disappeared). And the...
Aspirin,Compensation,Diet,Dry Skin,Exercise,Fatigue,Forgetfulness,Hair Loss,Hormones,Hot Flashes,HRT,Insomnia,Irritability,Joint Pain,Joint Stiffness,Lifestyle,Lipitor,Medications,Mevacor,Minerals,Mood Swings,Night Sweats,Non-hormonal,Periods,Pravachol,SERMs,Sex Drive,Urinary Incontinence,UTI,Vaginal Dryness,Vitamins,41.
Principles of Synthetic Pharmaceutical Estrogen Plus Progesterone for Menopause
All this stuff about hormone dosages and how you take them can be confusing. Why do these things matter, anyway? Why isn’t there a "one-dose-and-regimen-fits-all" plan to make it easy? In this tutorial, I’ll explain the principles behind hormone dosages...
Birth Control,Continuous,Creams,Cyclic,Dosage,Endometrium,Gels,HRT,Medications,Patches,Periods,Pills,Vaginal Rings,45.
Summary of Hormones for Menopause
After showing you all sorts of hormone options in four different categories for estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, now I’ll give you a summary. Whether you’re looking for dietary sources, herbal sources, bioidentical sources, or synthetic pharmaceutical sources, I’ll help you...
Synthetic Progesterone Options for Menopause
Ugh! Synthetic progesterone is soooo confusing! You probably know women who used it to get pregnant. And you know women who used it for induction of labor. You might know someone who used it for irregular periods, or even contraception....
Acne,Bioidentical,Birth Control,Breast Pain,Cramping,Crinone,Depression,Discharge,Dizziness,DMPA,Drowsiness,Expulsion,Fatigue,Headaches,Implants,Medications,Mini-Pill,Mirena,Mood Swings,Nausea,Nexplanon,PMS,Progestin,Progestogen,Shots,Stomach Aches,Suppositories,Vaginal Gels,Weight Gain,