Menopause Taylor’s Educational Videos

My video series provides a complete and comprehensive education that covers every aspect of menopause, how it affects every area of your life, and every available option for managing it.

Because menopause can be tough to swallow, I believe a spoonful of humor makes the medicine go down. Learning from me is fun, and I promise not to bore or overwhelm you with science or jargon. In these videos, I present medical information using everyday language and familiar props that illustrate human biology and anatomy. You can watch them on any online device in your own time — just make sure you watch them in order, so you don’t miss anything that may be essential later on.

You can watch the videos while reading my book and using the slide chart to ensure you get the most from my menopause education.



Not-Yet -Cancer Terms

What if someone asked you to list all the terms you can think of that describe diseases that are “not-yet-cancers.” In other words, what constitutes an entity that has the potential to become cancer, but is not yet cancer? The...



Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast

You’ve probably heard of “Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast.” Maybe you know it by its acronym “CIS.” But what do you really know about it? What is it? Could you explain it to someone if you had to? Well,...




What Makes Breast Cancer “Cancer”?

How would you answer the question, “What makes breast cancer ‘cancer’?” Would you have a logical set of requirements that it met in order to deserve the designation “cancer”? Or would you realize that you’ve never even thought about it...

Intro to Breast Cancer & Statistics



Breast Cancer Statistics

This video is all about breast cancer statistics … sort of. It’s really about all the things for which breast cancer is “first” or “most.” They span the gamut. And it’s really worth your while to know the ways in...



The Cause of Breast Cancer

Do you know the true cause of breast cancer? Does anybody? What about all the people who say they know what caused their breast cancer? Do they have the answer? In this video, I’ll address the cause of breast cancer...




“Risk” of Breast Cancer

I’m sure you’ve heard the word “risk.” But how much do you know about that word? How do you apply it when you hear about something increasing or decreasing your chance of getting breast cancer? It is so much more...




Hereditary vs Non-Hereditary Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can be hereditary or non-hereditary. And knowing how they differ is absolutely critical. This is especially true with the rampant fear of breast cancer that blurs the lines between them more and more. In this video, I’ll take...




Breast Cancer Genetic Mutations

How much do you know about the various breast cancer genetic mutations? How many are there? How do they differ? Do they all carry the same degree of risk? There’s more to know that you realize. I’ll address all these...



Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

If you had to list the risk factors of breast cancer, could you do it? How many would you put on your list? And how sure would you be of their accuracy as a known risk factor for breast cancer?...

Risk Factors



Exposure to Intense Radiation as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer

What do you know about radiation exposure in terms of its effect on your risk of breast cancer? What kind of radiation poses a threat? How much radiation constitutes a risk? How long after radiation exposure do you have the...



Family History as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer

Everybody talks about their family history of breast cancer in terms of how it impacts their own risk for breast cancer. But few are accurate in what they say. There are very specific relatives who have an impact on your...

Family History



Age as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer

Everybody talks about the fact that your risk of breast cancer increases with age. But, what exactly do they mean by that? Or do they even know what they mean by that? It turns out that the statement “Your risk...




Reproductive Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

Did you know that your entire reproductive life affects your risk for Breast Cancer? When you started having periods and when you stopped having periods. When you first got pregnant and how many times you were pregnant. Even your breastfeeding...

Repro Risk Factors



Why Menstrual Cycles Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer

So far, I’ve taught you that menstrual cycles are what increase your risk of breast cancer. But have you ever wondered why that is? How can it be that merely having menstrual cycles increases your risk of breast cancer? What...



Dense Breasts as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer

You’re probably familiar with the term “dense breasts.” You may even have dense breasts. And I’ve already taught you that dense breasts are a risk factor for breast cancer. But do you know why they are? Can you think of...

Breast Density



Difficulty in Determining if Estrogen, Progestogen or Both Cause Breast Cancer

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to determine if estrogen, progestogen, or both cause breast cancer? This is something that warrants a lot of consideration because it’s at the root of some of the most confusion and...


