Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus
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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!
- Outline Notes
- Worksheet
14 Red Flags of Menopause Mismanagement
Did you know that there are “red flags” that tell you that you will not get what you need from some of the professionals that are available for helping you with your menopause? Do you know what those red flags...
Abdominal Fat,Advocacy,Anti-Depressant,Bone Loss,Bone Quality,Bone Quantity,Calcium,Depression,Diet,Dosage,Education,Estrogen,Exercise,Fat,Healthcare professionals,Irritability,Local,Misinformation,Mood Swings,Nutrition,Osteopenia,Osteoporosis,Painful Intercourse,Systemic,Urinary Incontinence,Vaginal Burning,Vaginal Dryness,Vaginal Itching,Vaginal Lubricants,Vaginal Shrinkage,Vegan,Vitamin D,154.
Don’t Be Oblivious to the Obvious Aspects Of Menopause
You know how we can sometimes be oblivious to the obvious things? Well, many women are oblivious to the most obvious aspects of menopause. In this video, I’ll present 14 examples of this. Tune in to see if any of...
Alzheimer's Disease,Birth Control,Blood Clots,Diagnosis,Diet,Estrogen,Estrogen Dominance,Exercise,Family History,Herbals,HRT,Mammogram,Minerals,Osteoporosis,Periods,Pregnancy,Progesterone,Puberty,Self Breast Exam,Statistics,Stopping HRT,Vaginal Dryness,Vaginal Shrinkage,Vitamins,Weight Gain,147.
What Disappears at Menopause?
Disappearing acts! Menopause is full of them. The disappearance of your periods is just the most obvious. There are a whole bunch of other things that aren’t as obvious ... but are much more significant. Watch this video to find...
Alcohol Abuse,Bone Loss,Dry Skin,Estrogen,Family,Forgetfulness,Hair Loss,Insomnia,Irritability,Periods,Relationships,Self-Confidence,Sex Drive,Testosterone,Urinary Incontinence,Vaginal Dryness,Vaginal Shrinkage,Weight Gain,149.
What Gets Worse at Menopause?
When it comes to the things that get worse at menopause, the worst, by far, is your risk for certain diseases. There are six in particular. Do you know what they are? Do you know their relative risks to one...
Alcohol Abuse,Arteries,Bone Quality,Brain,Cervix,Cravings,Diet,Dry Skin,Estrogen,Exercise,Fatigue,Forgetfulness,Hair Loss,Insomnia,Lifestyle,Misinformation,Mood Swings,Progesterone,Risk Factors,Sex Drive,Statistics,Tailoring,Unwanted Hair,Urinary Incontenence,Uterus,Vaginal Dryness,Vaginal Shrinkage,Vegan,Weight Gain,142.
What Shrinks at Menopause?
One of the things that happens at menopause is shrinkage! Shrinkage of this and shrinkage of that. Problem is, most women don’t know about the long list of things that shrink at menopause. If you watch my video this week,...
Alzheimer's Disease,Bladder,Bone Quantity,Brain Fog,Career,ERT,Estrogen,Exercise,Forgetfulness,HRT,Insomnia,Irritability,Joint Stiffness,Osteoporosis,Ovaries,Oxytocin,Painful Intercourse,Physical Flexibility,Relationships,Sex Drive,Testosterone,Urinary Incontinence,Vaginal Shrinkage,143.
What Grows at Menopause?
Did you know that all sorts of things grow at menopause? Looking at them collectively can really open your eyes ... and help you manage your menopause. But growth can be desirable or undesirable, depending on what’s growing, and where....
Acne,Anti-Depressant,Anxiety,Body shape,Depression,Estradiol,Estrogen,Estrōne,Fatigue,Heart Attack,HRT,Irritability,Joint Pain,Joint Swelling,Mood Swings,Obesity,Psychology,Self-Esteem,Sex Drive,Statistics,Testosterone,Unwanted Hair,Vaginal Shrinkage,Veins,Weight Gain,Wrinkles,134.
What’s So Special About Premature Menopause???
Have you ever heard the term “premature menopause”? Do you know what it means? What’s the age that qualifies for premature menopause? And what’s the consequence of premature menopause? You see? You NEED to know these things! That’s what I’ll...
Acne,Depression Cravings,DEXA,Dosage,Dry Skin,ERT,Estrogen,Fatigue,Hair Loss,Headaches,Hot Flashes,Insomnia,Joint Pain,Mood Swings,Night Sweats,Premature Menopause,Puberty,SERMs,Sex Drive,Statistics,Unwanted Hair,Urinary Incontinence,UTI,Vaginal Dryness,Vaginal Shrinkage,Weight Gain,Window of Opportunity,92.
Your Body’s Love Hate Relationship With Estrogen
Love and hate. They’re such opposites, and yet we often feel both at the same time. Could it be that the same is true of how your body feels about estrogen? Does your body love estrogen or does it hate...
Acne,Alzheimer's Disease,Anatomy,Bladder,Bone Loss,Breast Cancer,Depression,Dry Skin,Facial Hair,Forgetfulness,Hair Loss,Heart Attack,Hot Flashes,Irritability,Joint Pain,Joint Stiffness,Memory,Metabolism,Mood Swings,Osteoporosis,Painful Intercourse,Periods,Pregnancy,Progesterone,Risk Factors,Thyroid,Unwanted Hair,Urinary Incontinence,Uterine Cancer,Uterine Lining,Uterus,Vaginal Dryness,Vaginal Shrinkage,Weight Gain,Wrinkles,86.
What Happens if You Don’t Take Estrogen Replacement Therapy for Menopause
I’ve taught you all about the Estrogen Window of Opportunity, and how taking estrogen in the first 5 – 10 years of your post-menopause can decrease your risk for certain diseases. So, you might just wonder what happens if you...
Dosage,Dry Skin,ERT,Fatigue,Forgetfulness,Hair Loss,Hot Flalshes,HRT,Insomnia,Irritatbility,Joint Stiffness,Mood Swings,Night Sweats,Periods,Sex Drive,Systemic,Urinary Incontinence,UTI,Vaginal Dryness,Vaginal Shrinkage,Weight Gain,Window of Opportunity,