Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus

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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!



  • Outline Notes
  • Worksheet



Calcium for Preventing Osteoporosis

There is so much talk about calcium ... but so little real knowledge about calcium. In this video, I’ll teach you what you need to know, and even provide you with a cheat sheet for getting the calcium supplement that’s...

Aging,Anticonvulsants,Bone Loss,Bone Quality,Caffeine,Calcium,Calcium Kidney Stones,Corticosteroids,Dietary Supplements,Dosage,Fractures,H2 Blockers,Hips,Magnesium,Minerals,Post-Menopause,Proton-Pump Inhibitors,Sodium,Spine,Statistics,Teeth,Window of Opportunity,Wrist,


Vitamin, Mineral, & Supplement Options for Preventing a Heart Attack

If you’re trying to reduce your risk for a heart attack, wouldn’t you want to know all the vitamins, minerals, and supplements that can help? And wouldn’t you want to know the necessary dosages for accomplishing your goal? Well, that’s...

Alpha Lipoic Acid,Amino Acids,B Vitamins,Beans,Blood Clots,Blood Pressure,Calcium,Cholesterol,Citrus,Co Q 10,Dietary Supplements,Dosage,Eggs,Grains,Greens,HDL,Homocysteine,L-Carnitine,LDL,Lipids,Liver,Mackerel,Magnesium,Meat,Minerals,Nuts,Potassium,Processed Foods,Risk Factors,Sardines,Sodium,Strokes,Triglyceride,Vegetable Oils,Vitamin C,Vitamin E,Vitamins,Whole Grain,


Minerals for Menopause

What if your preference is to take minerals for the management of your menopause? Do you know which minerals will provide the greatest benefits? Do you know which minerals to use for which symptoms? Don’t you think it’s better to...

Acne,Alzheimer's Disease,B Vitamins,Bone Loss,Bone Quality,Bone Quantity,Boron,Calcium,Copper,Dairy,Diet,Dietary Supplements,Dosage,Estrogen,Forgetfulness,Greens,Hair Loss,Heart,Joint Pain,Joint Stiffness,Magnesium,Manganese,Minerals,Misinformation,Mood Swings,Osteoporosis,Phosphorous,Potassium,Processed Foods,Selenium,Silicon,Sodium,Trace Minerals,Urinary Incontinence,Zinc,


How to Read Nutrition Labels

You know that white rectangular box on food packages? It’s supposed to tell you the truth about the food. But, do you know how to read it? Do you know how to interpret what it’s telling you? After all, that’s...

Calories,Carbohydrates,Cholesterol,Dairy,Diet,Fats,FDA,Fiber,HDL,Heart Attack,LDL,Minerals,Nutrition,Nutrition Labels,Percent Daily Value,Protein,Saturated Fats,Serving Size,Sodium,Sugar,Trans Fats,Unsaturated Fats,Vegan,Vitamins,