Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus
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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!
- Outline Notes
- Worksheet
Menopause Management After Endometrial Uterine Cancer
What if you’ve already had endometrial uterine cancer and you still need to manage your menopause? What options are available to you in that circumstance? Would there be certain options that are prohibited? Or would you be able to manage...
Anatomy,Biodentical,Compounding,ERT,Estrogen,Gynecologic Cancers,Herbals,HRT,Hysterectomy,Misinformation,Pharmaceuticals,Progesterone,Progestin,Risk,Synthetics,Systemic,Uterus,Vaginal Estrogen,331.
Principles Of Preventing Endometrial Uterine Cancer
Did you know that there are principles for preventing endometrial uterine cancer? Not only that; they are based heavily on the cause and risk factors for the disease. So, what do you think those principles entail? In this video tutorial,...
Aging,Diet,Endometrium,ERT,Estrogen,Gynecologic Cancers,Herbals,History,HRT,Misinformation,Obesity,Periods,Progesterone,Risk,Risk Factors,Unopposed Estrogen,Uterus,308.
Distinctions Regarding the Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
Now that we’ve covered the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency and looked at them every which way, I want to make a few distinctions that are critical to your successful menopause management. They are the little things that are...
Aging,Arteries,Atherosclerosis,Bone density,Bone Loss,Brain,Dementia,Diet,Dietary Supplements,Dosage,ERT,Exercise,Goals,Heart,Herbals,HRT,Lifestyle,Minerals,Misinformation,Non-hormonal,Osteopenia,Plaque Calcium,Risk,T-Score,Vitamins,Window of Opportunity,305.
Herbal Options for Preventing the 3 Big Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency
What if you’re fond of herbs, and want to rely on herbs for preventing the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency? Is that possible? Or is it just an illusion? This video will frame your expectations so that you utilize...
Anti-inflammatory,Antioxidant,Arteries,Atherosclerosis,Bone density,Bone Loss,ERT,Estrogen,Gingko Biloba,Gotu Kola,Green Tea,Hawthorne,Heart,Herbals,Hops,HRT,Isoflavones,Licorice Root,Pharmaceutical,Phytoestrogens,Plaque Calcium,Red Clover,Soy,Vitamin Mineral & Supplement Industry,Wellness,Wild Yam,300.
Non-Hormonal Management Options for the Big Three
So what about all the non-hormonal categories of options for managing the three big diseases of estrogen deficiency? How do they compare with estrogen replacement in terms of compensation for estrogen deficiency? Do you know where each belongs on the...
Aerobic Exercise,Alcohol,Anxiety,Aspirin,Balance Exercises,Blood Pressure,Bone Loss,Core Stability,Depression,Diet,Dietary Supplements,Dry Skin,ERT,Estrogen,Exercise,Fatigue,Forgetfulness,Fracture,Goals,Hair Loss,Herbals,Hot Flashes,HRT,Insomnia,Irritability,Joint Pain,Joint Stiffness,Learning,Lifestyle,Minerals,Misinformation,Mood Swings,Night Sweats,Non-hormonal,Palpitations,Physical Flexibility,Resistance Exercise,Risk,Sex Drive,Sleep,Smoking,Statins,Unwanted Hair,Urinary Incontinence,UTI,Vaginal Dryness,Vitamins,Weight Gain,282.
Comparison of Heart Attack & Osteoporosis
How do heart attacks compare with Alzheimer’s? Would you say they have more similarities, or more differences? Obviously, your heart and your brain are the two most important organs in your body. Which one concerns you most? And which do...
Aging,Anatomy,Anorexia,Anxiety,Arteries,Atherosclerosis,Bisphosphonates,BMI,Bone Loss,Bone Quantity,Bulimia,Calcium,Depression,DEXA,Diabetes,Diagnosis,Diet,Dietary Supplements,Digestion,ERT,Estrogen,Exercise,Falls,Family History,Fatigue,Fracture,Guidelines,Headaches,Herbals,High Blood Pressure,Hips,HRT,Insomnia,Lifestyle,Lipids,Minerals,Mortality,Non-hormonal,Obesity,Plaque Calcium,Post-Menopause,Premature Menopause,Prognosis,Race,Risk Factors,Sedentary,SERMs,Silent Disease,Smoking,Spine,Statistics,Steroids,Thyroid Disease,Vegan,Vitamin D,Vitamins,Wrist,279.
Epigenetics of Alzheimer’s Disease
Are you familiar with “epigenetics”? Epigenetics gives you power to override your genes. And in this video tutorial, I will teach you how you can decrease your risk of Alzheimer’s and even prevent Alzheimer’s despite your genes.
Aerobic Exercise,Anti-inflammatory,Antioxidant,BMI. Genetic Predisposition,Calorie Restriction,Circadian Rhythm,Dementia,Diet,Epigenetics,ERT,Exercise,Fiber,Fruit,Genetic Mutations,Genetics,Herbals,Learning,Leucine,Lifestyle,Minerals,NSAIDS,Nutritional Supplements,Omega 3,Risk,Risk Factors,Routines,Sleep,Social Interactions,Statistics,Stress,Vegetables,Vitamins,264.
Anti-Oxidant & Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Preventing Alzheimer’s
There are so many “catch-all terms” for various kinds of food these days. Two of them are “anti-oxidants” and “anti-inflammatory.” Which foods fall into each category? Can they do what they claim to do? And what is it exactly that...
Almonds,Anatomy,Anti-inflammatory,Antioxidants,Apples,Apricots,Artichokes,Asparagus,Basil,Beans,Black currants,Blackberries,Blueberries,Brain,Broccoli,Caraway,Carrots,Cherries,Chicory,Cinnamon,Cloves,Curry,Diet,Fats,Fatty Fish,Fish Oils,Free Radicals,Fruit,Grains,Grapes,Green Tea,Greens,Hazelnuts,Herbals,Inflammation,Marjoram,Mint,Nectarines,Neurons,Nuts,Oats,Olive Oil,Oregano,Parsley,Peaches,Pears,Pecans,Plaques,Plums,Pomegranate,Red onions,Rosemary,Rye,Saffron,Sage,Soy,Spinach,Strawberries,Stress,Thyme,Turmeric,Vegetables,White Tea,Whole wheat,Wine,258.
Preventing Alzheimer’s by Decreasing Your Risk Factors for Heart Attack
Did you know that there’s an overlap in the risk factors for heart attack and Alzheimer’s? And that means you can decrease your risk for one by decreasing your risk for the other. In this video, I’ll explain why there’s...
Abdominal Fat,Anatomy,Arteries,Cholesterol,Coronary Arteries,Depression,Diabetes,Diet,Dietary Supplements,Exercise,Family History,Goals,HDL,Heart,Herbals,High Blood Pressure,Homocysteine,HRT,LDL,Minerals,Neurons,Non-hormonal,Obesity,Oxygen,Risk Factors,Risks,Sedentary,Smoking,Strokes,Triglycerides,Vitamins,181.
Non-Hormonal Medication Options for Preventing a Heart Attack
What if your doctor recommends a non-hormonal medication to decrease your risk of a heart attack? Would you know anything about those drugs? Or would you have to consult Dr. Google? I can save you the trouble. Just watch this...
Arteries,Aspirin,Blood Pressure,Cholesterol,Diet,Exercise,Goals,Guidelines,HDL,Herbals,LDL,Lifestyle,Lipid-lowering Medications,Lipids,Minerals,Misinformation,Non-hormonal,Obesity,Post-Menopause,Risk Factors,Statin,Supplements,Triglycerides,Vegan,Vitamins,