Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus
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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!
- Outline Notes
- Worksheet
Hormone Levels for Determining HRT Dosage
One of the most common questions women ask is, “How do I use my hormone levels to determine the right HRT dosage?” In fact, there is more focus on hormone levels than on anything else. But, do hormone levels tell...
Alternative & Complementary,Alzheimer's Disease,Anxiety,Bone Loss,Brain,Brain Fog,Depression,DEXA,Diagnosis,Dosage,Dry Skin,Dutch Test,Education,ERT,Eve Test,Fatigue,Forgetfulness,Hair Loss,Healthcare professionals,Heart,Heart Attack,Hormone Levels,Hot Flashes,HRT,Insomnia,Insurance,Irritability,Joint Pain,Joint Stiffness,Misinformation,Mood Swings,Night Sweats,Osteoporosis,Palpitations,Sex Drive,Symptoms,Tailoring,Unwanted Hair,Urinary Incontinence,Uterine Cancer,UTI,Vaginal Dryness,Weight Gain,223.
Osteoporosis Results From the WHI Study
Remember the fateful WHI study, with all its ominous, scary, and negative results? Well, you never heard about the results for osteoporosis. But, you will in this video. And you’ll see that the negative reporting overshadowed the positive results so...
Alzheimer's Disease,Bone Loss,Calcium,Estrogen,Fractures,Heart Attack,Hips,History,Progesterone,Research Studies,Spine,Tailoring,Vitamin D,Weight-Bearing Exercise,WHI Study,Wrist,157.
“Cause” Versus “Risk” Versus “Association” Versus “Link”
What’s the difference between the words “cause,” “risk,” “association,” and “link”? If something puts you at greater risk for a disease, does it cause it? What if there’s merely an association between a substance and a disease? Is that the...
Alzheimer's Disease,Breast Cancer,Ethnicity,Habits,Nationality,Obesity,Osteoporosis,Ovarian Cancer,Pregnancy,Psychology,Race,Risk Factors,Uterine Cancer,155.
Fear Is A Difficult Thing to Erase or Reverse
Have you ever thought about the effect that fear has on your decision-making process? Would it shock you to learn that fear produces a state of paralysis? Understanding how fear is induced and how it overshadows your ability to consider...
Alzheimer's Disease,Breast Cancer,Denial,Diet,Empowerment,Estrogen,Estrogen Dominance,Exercise,Heart Attack,Mammogram,Osteoporosis,Progesterone,Psychology,Self Breast Exam,Statistics,Weight Gain,154.
Don’t Be Oblivious to the Obvious Aspects Of Menopause
You know how we can sometimes be oblivious to the obvious things? Well, many women are oblivious to the most obvious aspects of menopause. In this video, I’ll present 14 examples of this. Tune in to see if any of...
Alzheimer's Disease,Birth Control,Blood Clots,Diagnosis,Diet,Estrogen,Estrogen Dominance,Exercise,Family History,Herbals,HRT,Mammogram,Minerals,Osteoporosis,Periods,Pregnancy,Progesterone,Puberty,Self Breast Exam,Statistics,Stopping HRT,Vaginal Dryness,Vaginal Shrinkage,Vitamins,Weight Gain,141.
What Dries Up at Menopause?
Be sure to watch the first of my WHAM series of videos this week. What’s WHAM? It’s What Happens At Menopause? I’ll present various themes and tell you how different aspects of menopause fit into that theme. This week, it’s...
Aging,Alzheimer's Disease,Arteries,Bone Loss,Brain Fog,Collagen,Dry Hair,Dry mouth,Dry Skin,ERT,Estrogen,Eyes,Heart Attack,Joint Pain,Joint Stiffness,Osteoporosis,Ovaries,Painful Intercourse,Periods,Physical Flexibility,Uterus,Vaginal Dryness,Window of Opportunity,Wrinkles,142.
What Shrinks at Menopause?
One of the things that happens at menopause is shrinkage! Shrinkage of this and shrinkage of that. Problem is, most women don’t know about the long list of things that shrink at menopause. If you watch my video this week,...
Alzheimer's Disease,Bladder,Bone Quantity,Brain Fog,Career,ERT,Estrogen,Exercise,Forgetfulness,HRT,Insomnia,Irritability,Joint Stiffness,Osteoporosis,Ovaries,Oxytocin,Painful Intercourse,Physical Flexibility,Relationships,Sex Drive,Testosterone,Urinary Incontinence,Vaginal Shrinkage,133.
Difference Between Gradual and Sudden Menopause
What’s the difference whether you experience menopause as a gradual process or as a sudden process? And what constitutes one versus the other? Do you think it’s “better” to go through menopause one way or the other? I’ll explain all...
Acne,Alzheimer's Disease,Chemotherapy,Depression Cravings,Dry Skin,Estrogen,Fatigue,Gradual Menopause,Hair Loss,Headaches,Heart Attack,History,Hot Flashes,HRT,Infertility,Insomnia,Joint Pain,Misinformation,Mood Swings,Night Sweats,Osteoporosis,Ovaries,Periods,Pregnancy,Puberty,Radiotherapy,Sex Drive,Sudden Menopause,Surgical Menopause,Unwanted Hair,Urinary Incontinence,UTI,Vaginal Dryness,Weight Gain,121.
Minerals for Menopause
What if your preference is to take minerals for the management of your menopause? Do you know which minerals will provide the greatest benefits? Do you know which minerals to use for which symptoms? Don’t you think it’s better to...
Acne,Alzheimer's Disease,B Vitamins,Bone Loss,Bone Quality,Bone Quantity,Boron,Calcium,Copper,Dairy,Diet,Dietary Supplements,Dosage,Estrogen,Forgetfulness,Greens,Hair Loss,Heart,Joint Pain,Joint Stiffness,Magnesium,Manganese,Minerals,Misinformation,Mood Swings,Osteoporosis,Phosphorous,Potassium,Processed Foods,Selenium,Silicon,Sodium,Trace Minerals,Urinary Incontinence,Zinc,123.
Which Herbs Help Which Symptoms of Menopause
So, you hear all about using “herbs” to manage your menopause? But do you know which herbs help with which symptoms of menopause? Do you know if any of the herbs can help reduce your risks for diseases associated with...
Acne,Aloe Vera,Alzheimer's Disease,Anxiety,Arthritis,Black Cohosh,Brain Fog,Breast Cancer,Breast Pain,California Poppy,Cayenne,Chai Hu Long Gu Muli Wang,Chasteberry,Cubeb,Damiana,Depression,Dong Quai,Estrogen,Evening Promise,Fatigue,Feverfew,Forgetfulness,Ginkgo Biloba,Gotu Kola,Hair Growth,Hawthorne,Headaches,Heart Attack,Herbal,Hops,Hot Flashes,Insomnia,Irritability,Joint Pain,Kava Kava,Licorice Root,Mood Swings,Motherwort,Night Sweats,Ovarian Cancer,Palpitations,Passion Flower,Phytoestrogens,Progesterone,Red Clover,Sex Drive,St. John’s Wort,Statistics,Tea Tree Oil,Testosterone,Urinary Incontinence,Uterine Cancer,Vaginal Dryness,Valerian,Wild Yams,Wu Pian,