Menopause Taylor’s Educational Videos

My video series provides a complete and comprehensive education that covers every aspect of menopause, how it affects every area of your life, and every available option for managing it.

Because menopause can be tough to swallow, I believe a spoonful of humor makes the medicine go down. Learning from me is fun, and I promise not to bore or overwhelm you with science or jargon. In these videos, I present medical information using everyday language and familiar props that illustrate human biology and anatomy. You can watch them on any online device in your own time — just make sure you watch them in order, so you don’t miss anything that may be essential later on.

You can watch the videos while reading my book and using the slide chart to ensure you get the most from my menopause education.



History of Menopause: Are We Stuck In The Past!?

You’re not used to getting a history lesson from a menopause expert. But this one will really get your interest. How did we end up where we are today in our understanding of menopause? And what influence has the past...




Denial of Undeniable Menopause

Denial. It’s such a common thing ... especially when it comes to menopause! But isn’t it a shame that women deny the undeniable? And why is it that instead of rejoicing over the fact that we live long enough to...




Psychology of Menopause

Have you ever thought about how much your attitude affects your experience? In every aspect of our lives, attitude plays a huge role in our perception of the situation. This is especially true of menopause. In this tutorial, we’ll address...




Psychological Symptoms of Menopause

We’ve addressed the long list of physical symptoms of menopause, but what about the psychological symptoms? For some women, these are the most significant of all. Can you list a few? Don’t worry; in this tutorial, I’ll present them all...




The Male Perspective of Female Menopause

Have you ever wondered what your menopause looks like to your man? Remember, he can’t feel what you’re feeling. All he can do is try to make sense of what he observes. And when you add that to the different...




Menopause and Divorce

Sure, we’ve all heard about or witnessed divorces during midlife. But how much do you really know about them? Do you know the real cause of divorce during menopause? It might surprise you to discover that there are actually sociologic...




How to Tell Your Kids About Menopause

Parenting is awkward at times. And one of the awkward moments of parenthood involves telling your kids about puberty. There’s nothing relaxing about preparing your child for periods, acne, moodiness, or changes in his or her genitalia. And just as...




Menopausal Identity Crisis

Have you ever heard of an "identity crisis?" It's when a person looks in the mirror and says, "Who am I?" Usually, an identity crisis is associated with a void in someone’s life. Did you know that identity crises are...




Menopause in the Workplace

How does menopause affect working women? How much does the workplace accommodate menopausal women? And what if you want to go back to work at the time of menopause? What then? There’s probably more to this phenomenon of menopause in...




Menopausal Zest

Okay, you hear about all the negative, demoralizing, energy-draining aspects of menopause. But, have you ever heard about all the positives? Believe it or not, there are some really wonderful things about menopause. One of them is something called menopausal...




Male Menopause Is Real!

Have you ever wondered what happens to men? Do they have menopause? Well, it might surprise you to discover that they DO have a form of menopause. But it goes by a different name. It’s called andropause. I’ll teach you...




Do Men and Women Trade Places at Menopause

Have you ever noticed that men become more like women, and women become more like men at the time of menopause? Whether you focus on physical, emotional, or behavioral characteristics, you’ll see that men and women "trade places." Join me...




Dealing with Aging Parents AND Menopause

We talk a lot about how we’re aging as we manage our menopause. But what about our aging parents? Not only are they living longer and longer, they're leaning on us more and more. And that has a huge impact...




What Is Estrogen Dominance?

What is this thing called, "Estrogen Dominance"? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? How does one know if she has estrogen dominance? And if you do, what’s the solution? This is one of those areas of great...




Menopause as an Estrogen Deficiency State

Have you ever thought of menopause as an estrogen deficiency state? If not, why not? Isn’t loss of estrogen with menopause analogous to the loss of insulin with diabetes, or the loss of thyroid hormone with hypothyroidism? In this video,...



Compensation for Loss of Estrogen at Menopause

If you think of post-menopause as an estrogen deficiency state, it would make sense to compensate for that deficiency. In other words, you’d want to do something to give you the benefits that estrogen provided (before it disappeared). And the...



Menopause Management is All About Trade-Offs and Priorites

Have you ever realized that everything in life is about trade-offs? If you choose one thing, you forfeit another. It’s a rule of nature. Well, choosing management options for your menopause follows that same rule. And, generally speaking, which option...



The Estrogen Window of Opportunity

Would you believe that you have an "Estrogen Window of Opportunity"? Have you ever heard of such a thing? Most women haven’t. In this tutorial, I’ll introduce you to the topic. Don’t miss this window of opportunity to learn about...

2nd Ed 205-210