Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus

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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!



  • Outline Notes
  • Worksheet

Ovarian Cancer


Surgical Options for Preventing Breast Cancer

There are a variety of voluntary surgical options for preventing breast cancer. For women with a high risk of breast cancer, they can be a complete game-changer. But, before you volunteer to undergo any of these surgical options, you need...

Breasts,Infections,Mastectomy,Oopherectomy,Ovarian Cancer,Ovaries,Prophylactic Mastectomy,Reconstruction,Recurrent Breast Cancer,Risk,Risk Assessment,Risk Factors,Risk-reducing Mastectomy,Statistics,Surgery,Surgical Menopause,Tailoring,


Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tools

Have you ever heard of a “breast cancer risk assessment tool”? Or perhaps you’ve heard of such things described as “breast cancer risk assessment models.” Well regardless of whether you have or haven’t heard of them, you need to know...

Atypia,Benign,Bilateral,BMI,BRCA,BRCAPRO,Breast Biopsy,Breast Disease,Claus Model,Dense breasts,Ethnicity,Family History,Gail Model,Genetic Mutation,Genetic Testing,Guidelines,Hereditary Cancer,Hyperplasia,IBIS Model,Insurance,Invasive Lobular Carcinoma,Malignant,Ovarian Cancer,Periods,Pregnancy,Race,Risk,Risk Assessment,Risk Factors,Sporadic Cancer,Statistics,Surgery,Tailoring,Tyrer-Cusick Model,
Download Chart Risk Models


Frenetic Genetics as a Cause of Endometrial Uterine Cancer

What do you know about genetic causes of endometrial uterine cancer? Would it surprise you to learn that a family history of all sorts of other cancers puts you at high risk of endometrial uterine cancer? The key is to...

Anatomy,Bile duct cancer,Bladder cancer,Brain cancer,Colorectal cancer. Small intestine cancer,Endometrium,Family History,Genetic Mutations,Genetic Predisposition,Genetics,Gynecologic Cancers,Hereditary Cancer,Ovarian Cancer,Pancreatic Cancer,Risk,Risk Factors,Skin cancer,Statistics,Stomach cancer,Uterine Cancer,Uterus,


“Cause” Versus “Risk” Versus “Association” Versus “Link”

What’s the difference between the words “cause,” “risk,” “association,” and “link”? If something puts you at greater risk for a disease, does it cause it? What if there’s merely an association between a substance and a disease? Is that the...

Alzheimer's Disease,Breast Cancer,Ethnicity,Habits,Nationality,Obesity,Osteoporosis,Ovarian Cancer,Pregnancy,Psychology,Race,Risk Factors,Uterine Cancer,


How Your Pregnancies Affect Your Menopause

Have you ever stopped to think how your pregnancies ... or lack thereof might affect your menopause? Did you even know that there was a connection between the two? Well, you might be shocked to discover some of the ways...

Bladder,Breast Cancer,Dense breasts,Fibrocystic Tissue,Glands,Mammogram,Ovarian Cancer,Periods,Pregnancy,Tayloring,Urinary Incontinence,


Can You Take HRT if You Have Endometriosis?

What if you have endometriosis when you consider taking HRT? What if you had endometriosis, but have had a hysterectomy? What if you want a hysterectomy so that you can take HRT? Do you see how every situation is different?...

Adhesions,Cervix,Continuous Regimen,Cyclic Regimen,Endometrioma,Endometrium,Estrogen,Fallopian Tubes,Healthcare professionals,Ovarian Cancer,Periods,Progesterone,Total Hysterectomy,Uterus,Window of Opportunity,