Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus

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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!



  • Outline Notes
  • Worksheet



Vitamin, Mineral, & Supplement Options for Preventing Breast Cancer

If I asked you to name the vitamins, minerals, and supplements that can help prevent breast cancer, could you name them? With all the talk about breast cancer, you would expect people to talk about the things that can prevent...

Algae,Chia Seeds,Co Q 10,Education,Fatty Fish,FDA,Flaxseeds,Greens,Mediterranean Diet,Nuts,Omega 3,Omega 6,Unsaturated Fats,Vegan,Vitamin Mineral & Supplement Industry,Walnuts,


Summary on the Question, “Does HRT Cause Breast Cancer?”

So, what’s the answer to the question, “Does HRT cause breast cancer?” How do you know? What does the data say? What does the court of public opinion say? What do you say? In this video, I’ll lead you through...

Abnormal Cells,Birth Control,Dense breasts,Diagnosis,Dosage,Endometrium,Estrogen,FDA,HRT,Misinformation,Post-Menopause,Pregnancy,Progestogen,Research Studies,Risk,Risk Factors,


Difficulty in Determining if Estrogen, Progestogen or Both Cause Breast Cancer

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to determine if estrogen, progestogen, or both cause breast cancer? This is something that warrants a lot of consideration because it’s at the root of some of the most confusion and...

Aging,Bioidentical,Compounding,Continuous Regimen,Cyclic Regimen,Dense breasts,Diet,ERT,Family Histgory,FDA,Genetic Predisposition,HRT,Lifestyle,Medical History,Menstrual Life,Peri-Menopause,Periods,Pharmaceutical Industry,Pregnancy,Research Studies,Risk,Risk Factors,


Why COMPOUNDED BHRT Doesn’t Cut It For Preventing The Three Big Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency

There are some very specific requirements for HRT to be able to prevent the diseases due to estrogen deficiency. And there are some very specific reasons that COMPOUNDED BHRT doesn’t qualify. Don’t make the mistake of missing this video and...

Alternative & Complementary,Bi-Est,Bioidentical,Compounding,Custom,Dosage,ERT,Estradiol,Estriol,Estrōne,Estropipate,FDA,Goals,Healthcare professionals,Hormone Levels,HRT,Insurance,Misinformation,Pellets,Pharmaceutical Industry,Pharmaceuticals,Risk,Safety,Sex Drive,Testosterone,Traditional,Tri-Est,


Fresh, versus Processed, versus Fortified & Enriched Foods for Preventing Alzheimer’s

Have you ever considered your own brain’s opinions about food? What do you think your brain likes better: fresh versus processed versus fortified and enriched foods? And if your brain does prefer one of these over the others, what might...

Additives,Calories,Cumulative Effect,Diet,Dietary Supplements,Enriched,FDA,Food Industry,Fortified,Grains,History,Microbiome,Minerals,Nutrition Labels,Processed Foods,Statistics,Vitamins,


Pharmaceutical Drugs versus Dietary Supplements

Do you really understand the differences between pharmaceutical drugs and dietary supplements? I find that most women don’t ... even when they think they do. There are differences at so many more levels than you might imagine. And, if you...

Alternative & Complementary,Amino Acids,Botanicals,Compounding,Dietary Supplements,Enzymes,FDA,Goals,Herbal,Minerals,Misinformation,Pharmaceuticals,Vitamins,Wellness,


Bioidentical, Compounded, Custom, and Pharmaceutical Hormones: Similarities and Differences

What does the word, “bioidentical” mean to you? What if it’s combined with the word, “compounded,” or “custom”? Or what if it’s combined with the word, “pharmaceutical”? There is just so much confusion over these terms. And this video will...

Alternative & Complementary,Bi-Est,Bioidentical,Compounding,Custom,ERT,Estradiol,Estriol,Estrōne,FDA,HRT,Misinformation,Pharmaceuticals,Traditional,Tri-Est,


Class Labeling & Black Box Warnings Risk = Possibility, not Actuality

Have you ever wondered why you get the huge “pamphlet” of warnings that’s folded up in the box whenever you get a pharmaceutical drug? It usually scares you to death! And why don’t you get anything like that when you...

Bioidentical,Compounding,Estrogen,FDA,HRT,Menopause Specialists,Pharmaceuticals,Tailoring,Vaginal Creams,Vaginal Dryness,WHI Study,


Is Your Doctor a Hero or a Heretic

Have you ever had a situation in which you thought your doctor was a hero and later realized that he was a heretic? Or maybe it was reversed: You thought he was a heretic and later realized he was a...

Bioidentical,Bone density,Breast Cancer,Compounding,Dense breasts,Diet,Dosage,Empowerment,FDA,Guidelines,Healthcare professionals,Heart Attack,HRT,Insurance,Lifestyle,Mammogram,Medical Industry,NAMS,Nutrition,Osteoporosis,SERMs,Statistics,Traditional,Wellness,