Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus

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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!



  • Outline Notes
  • Worksheet



Menopause Management After Breast Cancer

So if you’ve had breast cancer, how does it affect your menopause management? Which options are still available to you? And which options aren’t? How do your menopause management options after having other cancers compare with after having breast cancer?...

Acupuncture,Diet,Estrogen,Exercise,Healthcare professionals,Herbal,Hormones,HRT,Hypnosis,Lifestyle,Misinformation,Mortality,Non-hormonal,Phytoestrogens,Pre-cancer,Risk,Soy,Survival Rate,Vaginal Estrogen,Vitamins Minerals & Supplements,


Lifestyle Options for Preventing Breast Cancer

What do you know about your lifestyle options for preventing breast cancer? Are there a lot or just a few? And what are they? Lifestyle options are the things over which you have complete control. So knowing about them is...

BMI,Exercise,Lifestyle,Low-impact Exercise,Misinformation,Obesity,Pilates,Risk Factors,Sedentary,Smoking,Swimming,Yoga,


Herbal Options for Preventing Breast Cancer

If you had to name just one herb that can help prevent breast cancer, which herb would it be? Why would it be capable of helping to prevent breast cancer? Or maybe you’d prefer to name some herbs or herbal...

Arrhythmia,Estrogen,Fluid Retention,Herbal Industry,High Blood Pressure,Licorice Root,Liver,Misinformation,Muscle Cramps,Pharmaceutical Industry,Phytoestrogens,


Prognosis of Breast Cancer

This video will teach you about the prognosis of breast cancer. It’s a lot like predicting a weather forecast. And whether the cancer regresses or progresses depends on the kind of cancer it is. But the real question is, do...

5-Year Survival,Clinical Breast Exam,Diagnosis,Mammogram,Misinformation,Mortality,Primary Breast Cancer,Prognosis,Recurrent Breast Cancer,Screening,Self Breast Exam,Silent Disease,Survival Rate,
Download Chart Prognosis


The How, When, & What of Self Breast Exam

Do you perform your self breast exams? Do you know how to do them properly? Do you know when you should be doing them? Do you know precisely for what you are feeling? These are all things that are absolutely...

Abnormal Cells,Birth Control,Breasts,Clinical Breast Exam,Continuous Regimen,Cyclic Regimen,HRT,Mammogram,Misinformation,Patches,Periods,Self Breast Exam,Tumor,Vaginal Ring,


Mammogram Guidelines

Have you ever heard of “mammogram guidelines”? If so, what have you heard about them? And what’s your impression of them? Did you know that there is more than just one set of mammogram guidelines … and that they differ...

ACOG,ACR,ACS,Breasts,CCS,Early Diagnosis,Education,Guidelines,Healthcare professionals,Insurance,Mammogram,Mammogram Guidelines,Misinformation,Mortality,NCCN,NCI,Risk,Screening,Statistics,Survival Rate,Tailoring,Unbiased,


The Great Debate About Screening Mammograms

Because all screening tests sometimes lie, and because there are so many different guidelines for screening mammograms, many controversies have arisen regarding the best way to utilize mammograms. Together, there are so many issues included in the controversy that it’s...

Aging,Breasts,Carcinoma in Situ,Clinical Breast Exam,Dense breasts,Early Diagnosis,False Positives,Guidelines,Mammogram,Misinformation,Mortality,Pre-cancer,Risk,Screening,Self Breast Exam,Statistics,Survival Rate,Tailoring,


Breast Inspection

What’s your definition of “breast inspection”? How much do you know about it? Given the fact that the symptoms of breast cancer present themselves very late in the course of the disease, what other things can you do to catch...

Clinical Breast Exam,Guidelines,Mammogram,Misinformation,MRI,Screening,Self Breast Exam,Survival Rate,Thermography,Ultrasound,
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Pathology of Breast Cancer

Now that you understand the risk factors for breast cancer, it’s time for you to learn how breast cancer develops. This is called the “pathology of breast cancer.” It pertains to what goes wrong to make cancer cancer. In this...

Abnormal Cells,Anatomy,Atypia,Carcinoma in Situ,DCIS,Ductal,Dysplasia,Hyperplasia,In-situ,Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,Invasive Lobular Carcinoma,Lobular,Local Invasion,Mammary Glands,Misinformation,Neoplasia,Pathology,Pre-cancer,Progressive,Risk,Squamous Cells,
Download Chart Pathology