Dr Taylor’s YouTube Menopause Education Syllabus
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Watch my videos to learn how every stage of menopause affects your whole body and your whole life, and you can use my teaching to help manage it.
While you can navigate the syllabus using sections, categories categories, and tags for easy access to specific information, I recommend strongly that you watch the videos in order. You’ll need, for example to learn some basic anatomy before you can understand how estrogen loss – the essence of menopause – affects your entire body. Use the worksheets and my book (you can order your copy here) to get work your way through the syllabus, and take your time to get the best from my education – you deserve nothing less!
- Outline Notes
- Worksheet
Monitors for Bone Loss
Given the fact that your bones are always “turning over,” replacing old bone with new bone, you might wonder if there are substances you can monitor in your blood or urine to indicate bone loss. That's what I’ll address in...
Bone density,Bone Loss,Collagen,DEXA,Diagnosis,Fractures,Guidelines,Hips,Markers,Risk Assessment,Spine,Wrists,141.
What Dries Up at Menopause?
Be sure to watch the first of my WHAM series of videos this week. What’s WHAM? It’s What Happens At Menopause? I’ll present various themes and tell you how different aspects of menopause fit into that theme. This week, it’s...
Aging,Alzheimer's Disease,Arteries,Bone Loss,Brain Fog,Collagen,Dry Hair,Dry mouth,Dry Skin,ERT,Estrogen,Eyes,Heart Attack,Joint Pain,Joint Stiffness,Osteoporosis,Ovaries,Painful Intercourse,Periods,Physical Flexibility,Uterus,Vaginal Dryness,Window of Opportunity,Wrinkles,144.
What Sags at Menopause?
We’ve all noticed that things start sagging at menopause. But what sags, and why? It all actually makes a lot of sense even though we don’t like it. This video on What Sags At Menopause will help you understand what’s...
Aging,Bladder,Bowel Movements,Breasts,Collagen,Fibrocystic Tissue,Pregnancy,Urinary Incontinence,Uterus,