Tag Archive for: State Of Menopause

How To Win If Your Middle-Aged Man Dumps You For A Teen-Aged Woman
UncategorizedWe’ve all heard stories about middle-aged men who dump their middle-aged, menopausal wife for a teen-aged woman. Most people attribute such behavior to a man’s so-called “midlife crisis.” And most people (other than fellow middle-aged…

Silence is Stupid!
State of MenopauseWomen are known for talking! We talk about everything … except menopause. Silence is a form of bondage. The only way you’ll break out of bondage is to break the silence

You’ve Got a Long Way to Go, Baby!
UncategorizedYou’ve Got a Long Way to Go, Baby!
By Menopause Taylor
Back in 1968, the phrase, “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby” became very popular. It implies progress. And, even though it was an advertising slogan for Virginia Slim cigarettes…

There’s a Very Fine Line Between “Ed” and “Ad”
UncategorizedIt’s so difficult to get accurate information these days! Of course, the key word is “accurate.” There’s plenty of “information.” But how in the world are you supposed to separate what’s credible and accurate from what’s not?

Who Moved My Estrogen?
UncategorizedHave you ever heard of a book written by Spencer Johnson, M.D. entitled Who Moved My Cheese? It’s a tiny little book of about 97 pages, easy to read, and unforgettable. It’s not really about cheese, though. It’s about change, and the cheese…

Menopause is All About Compensation
UncategorizedWhat does the word “compensation” mean to you?
As with most things, it probably depends on context.
If you’re talking about money, the definition of “compensation” is as follows:
Compensation – something that constitutes…

Here Today, Here Tomorrow … and for the Rest of Your Life
UncategorizedHere today, gone tomorrow. It’s an expression that applies to many things.
Fashion trends are definitely here today and gone tomorrow. So are fads, like big hair, piercing, and favorite songs. Even figures of speech come and go. When was…

Menopause Management Isn’t Political
UncategorizedHave you noticed that things that aren’t political sometimes seem political? You know, when people feel they have to take a side, label themselves this or that, and confine their opinions and choices to what’s consistent for their side?

Non-truth, Half-truth, And Everything But the Truth
UncategorizedYou know how you have to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ... so help you God, in a court of law? Well, I don’t think that should be confined to just the courts. I think it should be a requirement for a lot…

Puberty in Reverse
Wasn’t it just wonderful? There were so many changes occurring all at the same time.
Remember your first period? Did you think, “Oh God! Am I going to have to put up with this mess for the rest of my life?” Wasn’t it inconvenient…