“Natural” versus “Synthetic” Management Options for Menopause

Have you ever noticed how people talk about “natural” things? There’s usually an air of superiority associated with that term. It’s as if “natural” things are better than the alternative. And what is the alternative to “natural”…

Progesterone, the Super-Powered Super Hero

Have you ever noticed how many storybook and movie characters have super powers? I mean it’s like there’s a super power for everyone. There are so many super powers that we now have super heroes. Spiderman can scale buildings; Superman can…

What’s All the Hype About With Phytoestrogens?

Have you ever gone to a “health food” restaurant and discovered that they don’t serve tofu because it has estrogen in it? And when you ask them to explain, they say phytoestrogens can be dangerous! Have you ever gone to a grocery…

“Total Hysterectomy” is a Total Misconception

If you’re like most women, you’ve heard the term, “Total Hysterectomy” dozens of times. And you think you know what it means. In fact, you’re probably certain you know what it means. The problem is that you don’t know what…

From Winning Vagina to Whining Vagina

You probably haven’t thought much about your vagina before. In fact, it’s probably an afterthought most of the time. But I’m bringing it up because it has a before and after with regard to menopause. And most women find out all too…

Why The Weight Gain While We’re Waiting To Gain A Grip On Menopause?

Do you ever feel like things get out of hand before you have a chance to even get a grip what’s going on? I guess this happens with many things in life. You get married before you realize he’s not the right guy for you. You have children…

What’s the Big Deal About Bioidentical Hormones?

Have you noticed that everyone seems to be talking about “bioidentical hormones” these days? The talk is everywhere: on talk shows, in books, in magazines, in the locker room, and at luncheons. What’s the big deal about bioidentical hormones? Despite…

Hot, Sexy Condom Burgers

George and I have successfully made our move to Barcelona, Spain. We arrived on July 3rd, got all set up in our apartment, and started our new life here. I, of course, started Spanish school six days later. “Oh, good!” I thought. “Spanish…