The Window of Opportunity

Do you remember back when you were in high school and your parents told you that the choices you made then would affect you forever? You might have seen no reason to make good grades or just say “No” to drugs, or observe the speed limit. You…

The Male Perspective of Female Menopause

I think it’s beneficial to “get out of our own heads” once in a while and see the world through different eyes. So let’s shift our perspective to look at menopause through the eyes of a man. You see, sometimes we get so caught up…

The Three Hormones

Have you ever realized how applicable fairy tales are to real life? Cinderella was a good person whom others treated badly. But she ended up living happily ever after with the prince. The slow, steady, methodical tortoise won the race…

How to Tell Your Kids About Menopause

Parents often find talking to their kids about puberty a bit awkward or difficult. Likewise, talking to them about menopause can be even more off-putting. But, face it: Most parents want to “have a little talk” before the onset of puberty…

How to Apply for a Job After Menopause

The fact is that the workplace is inhospitable to menopause. When you think about it, it’s really atrocious. I mean, here we have a situation in which female baby boomers are more numerous than any other age group. They constitute a generation…

Don’t Buck Your Billion Beat Bonus

Have you ever thought about exactly what determines the normal lifespan of an animal? Not on an individual basis, but as a species? I mean, why do dogs of a certain species have a predictable lifespan? And why do rodents live for only a couple…

“How Am I Supposed To Find ‘Lumps’ In My Already-Lumpy Breasts?”

Sometimes I’m shocked by things that sound like an absolute oxymoron to me. And yet, other people seem to be unfazed by them. I wonder, do they simply fail to really consider how ridiculous the statement is, or do they read between the lines…

Which Bone-Sparing Substance Wins The Wishbone Contest: Estrogen or Calcium?

What comes to mind when someone mentions the need to prevent osteoporosis? I’ll bet the first thing you think about is calcium. And why is that? I know; it’s because you see commercials and advertisements everywhere about the osteoporosis-preventing…

Menopause As A Hormone Deficiency State

I’ve discovered that I’m not normal.  And, as an abnormal person, I don’t always accept things as they normally are. I contemplate lots of things ... things that most other people just accept. But I question everything, especially things…

Your Menstrual Life Determines Your Breast Cancer Risk

Breast cancer is one of the greatest fears women have. And they worry about all sorts of things causing breast cancer. Some are within your control; others aren’t. The list of risk factors is long ... longer than most women realize. And one…