Menopause is All About Compensation

What does the word “compensation” mean to you? As with most things, it probably depends on context. If you’re talking about money, the definition of “compensation” is as follows:      Compensation – something that constitutes…

Here Today, Here Tomorrow … and for the Rest of Your Life

Here today, gone tomorrow. It’s an expression that applies to many things. Fashion trends are definitely here today and gone tomorrow. So are fads, like big hair, piercing, and favorite songs. Even figures of speech come and go. When was…

Menopause Management Isn’t Political

Have you noticed that things that aren’t political sometimes seem political? You know, when people feel they have to take a side, label themselves this or that, and confine their opinions and choices to what’s consistent for their side? Opinions…

Non-truth, Half-truth, And Everything But the Truth

You know how you have to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ... so help you God, in a court of law? Well, I don’t think that should be confined to just the courts. I think it should be a requirement for a lot…

Puberty in Reverse

Puberty! Wasn’t it just wonderful? There were so many changes occurring all at the same time. Remember your first period? Did you think, “Oh God! Am I going to have to put up with this mess for the rest of my life?” Wasn’t it inconvenient…

Male Menopause

Women (and men) sometimes ask me if there’s a male menopause. The answer is, “Yes.” But it goes by a different name. And it manifests in completely different ways than does female menopause. Remember, females are the reproductive…

Upside Down Misconceptions About Menopause

One of the most striking things I’ve learned about menopause is that the vast majority of women have numerous misconceptions about it. And the misconceptions are sooooooo prevalent that women pass them from one to the other. As a result,…

Estrogen Dominance: Is It Good or Bad?

You know how the mere “sound” of a term can lead you to assume that it’s a good thing, and the mere sound of another can insinuate that it’s a bad thing? There are a lot of terms that imply positive or negative qualities simply by the…

Either / Or, But Not Both

Don’t you hate it when you can’t have it all? Why do we have to choose one thing or the other. And why is it that, no matter what we choose, we forfeit something else. Why does it always have to be either / or? Why can’t it be both? It’s…

Are We Stuck or Are We Going Backward?

Have you ever given any thought to the history of menopause? I mean, how long have women been experiencing menopause? Is it a new thing? And, if it isn’t a new thing, why are people so unfamiliar with it? With all our scientific, medical,…